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U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship provides recent graduates and early career energy professionals with a unique opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills. Fellowship candidates must have an interest in areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and/or sustainable transportation technology and policy; electric grid resilience and modernization; Puerto Rico grid recovery and modernization; and Tribal energy resilience. 

The Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship recruits Fellows from diverse backgrounds to spend up to two years supporting eligible Host Institutions, which include electric public utility commissions, municipal and cooperative utilities, Puerto Rican essential energy organizations, and Tribal utilities, Inter-Tribal Councils, and other Tribal organizations. Innovator Fellows will receive a stipend and a professional development allowance to support Host Institution projects that will help decarbonize the U.S. power system, electrify transportation and industry, and make the power system more resilient, equitable, and inclusive. 

Fellowship candidates must apply to the program by June 12th. Visit the program website for additional information: Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship | Department of Energy