Up, Up and Away!
Up, Up and Away!
“Look! Up in the sky!”
We all know the shout well. It’s the unofficial motto of Metropolis, the alert for crowds to gather and drop their jaws in wonder as Superman flies past in a red-and-blue blur. (One has to feel some sympathy for the city’s pigeons.)
Well, on July 18, it’s our turn to get an aerial visitor, even if there aren’t any capes and tights involved. All together now:
“Is it a bird?” No, although with the love Longmont has for ospreys, it’s understandable.
“Is it a (model) plane?” Not this time, but with the sunny weather, it’s good to remember the safety rules for kites, drones, and other fliers around power lines.
“Is it a Mylar balloon?” Ah, our old enemy. This time, thankfully, no.
I could go round and round all day– but I’ll let our flying guest do that instead. That’s right, it’s time for the return of the Platte River Power Authority helicopter!
Every year, our wholesale energy provider Platte River does an aerial infrared scan of its transmission lines and substations, looking for hot spots and other issues that suggest an area will need maintenance soon. It’s also a good way to make sure that trees and vegetation are away from the lines (since, as our customers know well, alertness matters in tree branch protection.)
It’s a big job, with more than 250 miles of power lines to cover. There isn’t a set timeframe to cover each of the Platte River communities, but if you hear a chopper coming overhead on Tuesday, take a moment and wave.
After all, it’s helping keep your power reliable.
And that’s just super, man.