UPDATE: Winter Weather Alert: City Services
UPDATE: Winter Weather Alert: City Services
As the snow falls, we want our community to be safe during this snowstorm. Here is an update on Longmont City services:
Electric Services
As of 1:30pm, we have restored power to approximately 8,000 customers and are working on small or individual outages.
Where outages occurred, crews have been dispatched to restore power, typically within three hours. If you are experiencing an outage, please call our outage line at 303-776-0011. If you are having difficulty getting through, it may be due to high call volumes; please try calling again after waiting a few minutes. If your power is not restored within an hour, please call back.
Facility Closures
- The Longmont Recreation Center and Museum are closed as of 12 noon.
- The Longmont Ice Pavilion is closed.
- All recreation classes and programs have been canceled for the remainder of the day.
- The Library will close at 5 p.m.
- The Memorial Building is open overnight tonight as a warming center for those who may have lost power for an extended period of time.
- The memorial building is open as a warming center only (no food or bedding is available).
- Electric service has been restored to several thousand customers and crews are working on individual outages at this time.
- The Senior Center is closed.
- The Youth Center is closed.
Road Conditions
Roads in Longmont are open and plow crews are working hard to get ahead of the storm, but roads east and south of Longmont are closed. You can check road closures on www.COtrip.org
Remember to treat signal outages as a four-way stop and if you have a fender bender, please trade insurance information. Only call police in case of serious injury or disabled vehicles blocking roadways.
Social Media Updates
Facebook and Instagram appear to be having nationwide intermittent outages and we’re unable to post or respond to comments through these platforms. We will be continuing to post to Twitter and Nextdoor as well as updating our City’s website.
Keep up on City updates via the website: www.longmontcolorado.gov