Volunteers Needed- Longmont Triathlon Weekend
Volunteers Needed- Longmont Triathlon Weekend
We want YOU to be a part of the Longmont Triathlon Weekend!
You don’t have to swim, bike, OR run, you just have to CHEER! We need your help to run a safe and fun Triathlon Weekend. Volunteers are needed on the race course to cheer and guide our triathletes!
Longmont Kids’ Only Triathlon & Longmont Try-a-Tri
Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 7am-11am
Enjoy breakfast snacks, compliments of La Vita Bella Coffee, and when you are done volunteering, you’ll receive a Kona Ice, and pizza from Blackjack!
Longmont Triathlon
Sunday, June 5, 2016 from 6:15am-11am
Enjoy breakfast snacks, compliments of La Vita Bella Coffee, and when you are done volunteering, you’ll receive a sandwich from Firehouse Subs!
Both events are located at Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St., Longmont, CO 80504, 303-651-8406
Visit our web page for more information about the Longmont Triathlon & Try-a-Tri.
Interested? Email Heather to sign up today!
Heather Deal | 303-774-4718 | heather.deal@longmontcolorado.gov