Volunteers NEEDED! Longmont Triathlon Weekend
Volunteers NEEDED! Longmont Triathlon Weekend
We are getting to crunch time preparing for the upcoming Longmont Triathlon Weekend on June 1 & 2, 2019, with filing in all of our volunteer positions. We need 95 people for the ENTIRE weekend, and right now, we only have 34 people signed up to volunteer.
Volunteering for the Longmont Triathlon Weekend is a meaningful way to help out in our Longmont community, and support amazing athletes (young, old, in-between, beginners, advanced, first-timers) try their hardest at completing a triathlon. This is an extremely inspiring weekend, and we invite you to join us!
All Volunteer Specifics- Check-out the webpage- HERE
Volunteer Times:
Saturday, June 1, Longmont Kids’ Only Triathlon & Longmont Try-a-Tri
7am to 11am
Sunday, June 2, 39th Longmont Triathlon
6am to 11am
To sign up: contact Sam Calhoon at sam.calhoon@longmontcolorado.gov or 303-774-4694. You can help out one day or both!