We’re Back at Sound Bites!
We’re Back at Sound Bites!
It’s time again to feel the beat, grab a bite, and catch up on that cool NextLight™. We’re coming back on Aug. 14 for a second visit to Prospect Sound Bites, the Monday night concert series and food truck event in Prospect Park. So while you’re rocking along with Stone Beat Invasion, stop by the Longmont Power & Communications tent for information on Longmont’s best internet service – and yes, we’ll be bringing back the light-up NextLight yo-yos to share.
Meanwhile, remember to take advantage of the NextLight Gig City deal! By calling 303-651-8386, city residents can get a home gigabit connection for $59.95 per month, a 40% savings on our standard rate. To get those savings, you have to sign up before Aug. 31, so go-go-go to get that gig!