West Nile Spraying Alert for Aug. 27, 2020 - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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West Nile Spraying Alert for Aug. 27, 2020

Mosquito control contractor VCDI will be spraying for mosquitoes, weather permitting, in four of 12 Longmont hotspot zones on Thursday night, Aug. 27, 2020.

Zones to be sprayed this week are:
LM-03 Jim Hamm Park
LM-23 Longmont Union Reservoir
LM-27 Great Western/Mill Village
LM-41 Stoney Ridge/ Alpine Elementary

The City and VDCI provide a map on the West Nile Virus webpage at LongmontColorado.gov/westnile that show the boundaries of predetermined spray areas. When mosquito traps exceed the 150 count threshold and West Nile virus has been detected in the Longmont area, notice will be provided to subscribers on Tuesdays. Spraying typically occurs on Thursday nights – giving residents 48 hours’ notice of any spraying.

VDCI uses state of the art technology, calibrated application timing, and least-toxic products to minimize non-target impacts. All adult mosquito control is accomplished using Ultra Low Volume (ULV) fogging equipment and is performed after dusk when the majority of mosquito species are most active.

VDCI maintains a database of Longmont residents that have made notification or shutoff requests for their property if spraying is scheduled. There are three options:
1. Call Notification Only – VDCI will phone you before spraying in your neighborhood
2. Address Shuffoff Only – VDCI will shutoff the spray machine while driving past your property
3. Notification & Shutoff – VDCI will phone you before spraying in your neighborhood and shutoff the spray machine while driving past your property

Please contact VDCI to make a notification or shutoff request by calling 970-278-9977 or visiting http://www.vdci.net/colorado.

Learn more about West Nile Virus, the City’s integrated pest management program and how to protect yourself from West Nile Virus at LongmontColorado.gov/westnile or by calling 303-651-8416.