With Great Power …
With Great Power …
With any great superhero, the amazing powers are only half the story.
Don’t get me wrong, everyone loves a good superpower. You just can’t beat Superman’s “Faster than a speeding bullet.” Or Spider-Man’s “Does whatever a spider can.” Or even the stark simplicity in “I’m Batman.” Classics, all.
But what makes the hero great is what they do with it. They dedicate themselves to their city, or their nation, or their world, using their amazing powers to make life better for everyone.
And that’s why we’re extra-excited to have NextLight’s “super-speed” recognized yet again.
In case you missed the news a few days back, NextLight has been recognized as one of the fastest internet providers in the nation for the fifth year running. In fact, this year Longmont’s community-owned ISP ranked second in the nation, and PC Magazine noted that with NextLight’s year-after-year consistency, we might well end up no. 1 in 2023.
We love hearing that. And we know our fans do, too. But just like the comic-book guys with the masks and capes, NextLight’s incredible speed is only part of the tale.
The real story is what happens because of it.
Longmont doesn’t just brag about NextLight. It uses it. A high-speed NextLight connection means remote work is easier than ever. It means local students can power up their learning, even outside the classroom. The fast fiber and robust network behind NextLight has energized businesses, supported homes and even made the wonderful world of streaming television more accessible than ever.
And like Supes or Spidey, we know we have a responsibility to those around us. That’s why we’ve been working to close the digital divide and make the power of NextLight accessible to all of Longmont, even those who normally couldn’t afford it.
So yes, we’re proud to be at the head of the pack again. But we’re even prouder of our community. You’re the ones who really make NextLight shine.
In fact, you’re simply super.