Colonial Revival Style
There are three types of Colonial Revival buildings in Colorado:
- The "historically accurate" reproduction of the 17th century Georgian and Federal style;
- The type in which Colonial or Classical elements are applied to basically Victorian or Post-Victorian buildings; and
- The very simple vernacular homes with a few Colonial details.
Colonial Revival buildings are usually brick and include residences, churches and hotels.
The First Baptist Church in Denver is an example of the first type in that it is a fairly accurate rendition of a Christopher Wren-inspired New England church. There are also Federal and Georgian examples of homes scattered around Denver.
The Fleming House in Denver represents the second type. In this case a classical portico is placed on a somewhat typical late Queen Anne building. These Neo-Classical elements lead to confusion and the temptation to place these structures in the Classical Revival category. To avoid this problem, residences with classical elements are considered examples of Colonial Revival.
The third type of Colonial Revival house is the most common. These are the simple gabled houses with several Colonial elements such as broken pediments, 8-over-8 sash windows, fanlights, and sidelights, and shutters.
This photo depicts a designated landmark in Longmont that is representative of the Colonial Revival style.