Business Fire Self Inspection
Longmont Fire Services has implemented a self-inspection program for eligible businesses within the City of Longmont. This program provides an opportunity for Longmont Fire Services and the business community to form a partnership in fire and life safety.
Targets: The self-inspection program will target businesses that are statistically at a lower risk for fire. Those are primarily occupancy classification types "M" (mercantile/retail sales), "B" (business and service types) and "S" (storage - nonhazardous). Examples include professional offices, retail stores, hair salons, florist shops, aircraft hangars, grocery stores, etc.
Program: The self-inspection program is a relatively simple concept. There are three parts to the process:
1. You may request that this be mailed to you by calling (303) 651-8437.
2. Complete the Self-Inspection form online.
NOTE: Self-Inspection Checklist submitted electronically will provide submitters an option to print out the completed form before submitting. Self-Inspection Checklist as a pdf can be faxed to (303)774-4682 and/or mailed to the LFD Codes and Planning Unit, 225 Kimbark Street, Longmont, CO 80501.
Eligible businesses will also have the option of an on-site inspection. To request an on-site inspection you may email the fire department or call (303)651-8437 to make this request.
Businesses wishing to participate in self-inspections have APPROXIMATELY 30 DAYS TO RESPOND FROM THE DATE THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ISSUES THE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION. After 30 days have passed, a follow-up contact from Fire Codes and Planning will occur.
Rotation: Businesses participating in the self-inspection program may do so for four years. On the 5th year, the fire department will conduct an on-site inspection to give the fire department the opportunity to become familiar with the structure, to observe operations at the business and evaluate the success of the self-inspection program.
Goals: The primary purpose of the self-inspection program is to provide a manner in which a low risk business may conduct a fire and life safety inspection of their own premises. We anticipate the program to make efficient use of time and resources for both business and the city.
History: There are over 4,000 businesses operating within the City of Longmont.Along with the Business Self-Inspection Program, six fire engine companies conduct inspections on a two-year rotation for target type businesses, and fire prevention personnel conducts annual inspections for high-hazard type businesses and educational facilities.
Objectives: Longmont Fire Services considers it essential for businesses to maintain a reasonable level of fire and life safety, even though a business may be classified as low-risk hazard occupancy. By defining the purpose of the program, imparting knowledge of code provisions and making use of standard forms, each business owner/manager should have a sense of fire and life safety expectations. Desired outcomes of self-inspections will not only identify areas of deficiency but should reveal commendable safety practices, too.
Please contact the Longmont Fire Codes and Planning Office at (303) 651-8833 or (303) 651-8426. You may also email for assistance.