Snow Routes
Designated snow routes can be seen on the maps below. If you have to travel during or after a storm, Be Snow Savvy and plan your trip using these routes as much as possible for the best conditions. You can also view road conditions at points around town through our real-time Street Snow Cams.
Plowed Roadways
Plowed Paths, Parking and Roadways
Bicycle Snow Routes*
*Bicycle Snow Routes are recommended roadways and trails for winter cycling. Riders should be prepared to share the road depending on conditions and ability of plows to expose bike lanes.
- Provide commuter access through the city and to major commercial/industrial zones via the plowing and sanding of arterial roadways.
- Provide access to emergency services, by plowing and sanding roadways adjacent to major medical facilities.
- Provide neighborhood access to plowed roadways and bus routes during a snow event; this generally involves plowing and sanding collector streets.
- Ensure safe vehicle access to schools by including those areas on the snow routes.
- Promote returning the transportation system to a normal state by removing snow and ice, including after storms have ended if necessary.
View the Snow Savvy Guide for a broad look at Longmont’s Snow & Ice Control Program.
Collector roads move traffic in/out of neighborhoods (local streets) and provide access to schools, hospitals, and other local destinations. Collectors also funnel traffic to arterial roadways. Arterial roads provide access to destinations across town (east-west or north-south) or to transportation networks outside of town.