Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation
Traffic in residential areas is a major concern throughout Longmont, as well as in most other communities across the nation. The Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program has been developed in an effort to help residents work with the City to implement procedures to reduce the impacts of traffic.
Solving neighborhood traffic issues is not as easy as it may seem. There are a variety of different perspectives and concerns that make implementing solutions challenging. Traffic safety, emergency vehicle response, traffic diversion, bicycling, parking, and pedestrian safety are just some of the many issues that need to be taken into consideration when designing and implementing a plan for neighborhood traffic mitigation.
The Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program was developed by City staff in collaboration with a working resident committee and was adopted by City Council in November 2006. It is the mechanism by which residents can be involved in mitigating traffic problems in their own neighborhoods.
Two levels of strategies are included in the neighborhood traffic mitigation program.
Level 1 strategies may be initiated by any resident and include non-invasive traffic mitigation tools such as “Slow Down in Our Neighborhood” lawn signs, directed police patrols, resident-initiated neighborhood radar patrols, radar speed trailers and speed limit signs, where applicable. Level 1 may also include more invasive strategies such as turning prohibitions, parking modifications, street striping, and conversion of two-way streets to one-way streets. Permanent applications may require petitions and/or votes.
Level 2 strategies are more invasive and limited to streets that experience at least 750 vehicles per day. Level 2 strategies include traffic calming measures such as medians, traffic circles, speed tables, and neckdowns (an angled narrowing of the roadway and widening of the pavement). A petition and neighborhood vote is required before these types of mitigation are implemented.
The Program Plan is available in PDF file format. These large files may take longer to download.
- Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program – Report (PDF, 2mb)
- Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program – Appendices (PDF, 2mb)
- Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Process Application (PDF, 650kb)
Please email Traffic Engineering with any questions. Completed applications can also be sent to this email address.