Dog Park #1
Dog Park #1
Dog Park Hours: 1 Hour Before Sunrise to 1 Hour After Sunset
Dog Park #1 is located at the corner of 21st and Francis Streets.
Please park west of the dog park at Garden Acres Community Park or east of the dog park at Carr Neighborhood Park. Both lots are located on 21st Avenue. Be courteous to the neighbors. Neighborhood parking is discouraged.
The park may be closed during parts of the year to allow the grass to re-establish. Find a listing of additional dog parks on our main Dog Parks webpage as well as detailed guidelines and courtesies for visitors.
Visit the Plans, Maps & Reports webpage and click Map of Parks in Longmont to see all parks displayed on an interactive map. Choose from the Amenities dropdown menu to find parks with the amenity you are seeking, such as playground, pool, or picnic area.
For general information, contact Parks, Open Space & Trails.