Deferred Fees
Departments » Departments A-D » Building Services » Permit Fees
Deferred Fees
Impact Fee Deferral Program
In January 2019, City Council voted to implement a fee deferral program for new residential development in the City of Longmont.
The following fees can be deferred:
- Water System Development Fee
- Windy Gap Surcharge Fee
- Sewer System Development Fee
- Storm Drainage Plant Investment Fee
- Park Improvement Fee
- Transportation Impact Fee
- Recreation buildings impact fee
- Electric Community Investment Fee
- Polycart Fee
Fees that will continue to be paid when a permit is issued:
- Building Permit fee
- Plan review fee
- City sales tax
- County sales tax
- Any metering fees (all utilities)
- Temporary water and power fee charges
- Any inspection related fees
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I still pay all my fees at permit issuance? Yes, you may continue to pay all of the building permit fees due when the permit is issued.
- Does this apply to commercial development? No, only new residential units can take advantage of the fee deferral program.
- Can I pay some impact fees now and some later? No, if you elect fee deferral, we require you to defer all the impact fees listed until CO.
- How does this program affect the issuance of my CO? COs will be processed within 3 business days.