Business License
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Business Licenses
Starting a Business in Longmont – What to Know
Starting or expanding a business is very exciting and there are many important details to take care of. The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or professional advice. Always consult a qualified expert before making any decisions based on the information presented.
Important Steps to Take Before Starting a Business in Longmont. It is recommended that these steps be carried out in chronological order.
Applicable for All Businesses (startups, expanding, relocating):
1. Check zoning to confirm that proposed use is allowed in zoning district, (303) 651-8330
2. Contact the Development Services Center to determine development/building code requirements, (303) 651-8330
3. Register with the State of Colorado and the Internal Revenue Service
4. Obtain a city of Longmont Sales and Use Tax License
5. Obtain a Colorado Sales Tax License (if applicable) from the Colorado Department of Revenue
6. Determine industry regulations/professional licensing (if applicable) — Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA)
7. Obtain Health Department permits (for food preparation, food sales, child care, etc.)
8. Obtain other City of Longmont licenses (if applicable)
- Business Extension Permit (for patio seating in public right of way)
- Carnivals
- Contractors
- Junk Dealer
- Liquor License
- Marijuana Retail License
- NOTE: Employee badges are not handled by the City of Longmont. Please contact the Marijuana Enforcement Division at (303) 866-3330.
- Mobile Vending Truck or Cart (including Ice Cream Vendor)
- Pawnbroker
- Public Furnishing/Kiosk
- Second Hand Dealer
- Sexually Oriented Business
- Tree Contractor
9. Obtain sign permit from Development Services Center
10. Learn about opportunities for assistance starting and improving your business with incentives, grants, loans, and information!
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