Neighborhood Activity Fund
Departments » Departments A-D » Community and Neighborhood Resources » Neighborhood Programs » Neighborhood Group Leaders Association
Neighborhood Activity Fund (NAF) Grants
The Neighborhood Activity Fund (NAF) provides small grants to Neighborhood-Based Community Groups (NBCG) active* with the Neighborhood Group Leaders Association (NGLA) to support activities that build social capital, trust, and relationships between neighbors, enhance the capacity of the group, and improve the sense of community in the neighborhood.
Neighborhoods may apply for a NAF grant at anytime during the application period after attaining active status. NAF funding eligibility is based on community size and can offset qualifying expenses for most neighborhood activities or events that are inclusive of the whole neighborhood. NAF funds cannot be used outside the city limits, to purchase alcohol, or for political events.
*Representatives of a registered community group must have attended two or more NGLA meetings in the current calendar year to be designated “active” and qualify for a NAF grant and other NGLA benefits.
General Guidelines
- Applications are accepted from neighborhoods that become active anytime during the Primary Application Period and are non-competitive, thus all valid applications will be approved
- Funding eligibility has been simplified, $200 for neighborhoods of up to 149 households, and $400 for neighborhoods of 150 or more households
- Eligible neighborhoods are listed below and updated after each NGLA meeting
- If funds remain there will be a competitive Fall Application Period from September 1 through October 31 that is open to applications of up to $400 from all active neighborhoods on a first-come-first-serve basis, regardless of previous awards or number of households in the community.
NAF Grant Timelines
Primary Application Period | |
April 1 |
August 31 |
Fall application period | |
September 1 |
October 31 |
Payment Request | |
December 1 |
NAF Resources
- Download the NAF Guidelines Packet (PDF)
- Download the NAF Fillable Application Only (PDF)
- Download the NAF Fillable Payment Request and Evaluation (PDF)
- Download the NGLA Resource Reservation Guide
- Download the NGLA Resource Reservation Form
If you have any questions about the Neighborhood Activity Fund Grants, please contact Community and Neighborhood Resources, or call 303-651-8444.
Previously Funded Neighborhood Activities Fund Awards
Annual luminaries | Annual meeting | Annual picnic | Annual Santa visit |
Block party | Bluegrass band | Bounce house | Community bingo |
Community clean up | Concerts in the park | Dog show | Face painting |
Food truck party | Fourth of July parade | Garage concert | Holiday celebration |
Ice cream social | Meet and greet | Movie night in the park | National Night Out |
Neighborhood BBQ | Neighborhood concert | Neighborhood garage sale | Neighborhood-to-farm dinner |
October festival | Park Positivity Fest | Potluck | Summer social |
Swim and pizza party | Yard sale |
Visit the project library for additional activity ideas.
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