Mayor & City Council Members
Meet Your City Council
Term expires: 11/2025
Serves as Council Liaison to these City of Longmont boards:
- Historic Preservation Board
- Old Hire Fire & Old Hire Police Pension Boards
Represents the City of Longmont by serving on the following boards:
- Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)
- Longmont Economic Development Partnership (LEDP)
- Longmont Multicultural Action Committee
- Metro Mayors’ Caucus
- North 287 Coalition
- North Area Transportation Alliance Steering Committee
- Northwest Mayors and Commissioners Coalition
- Platte River Power Authority
Phone: 303-774-3619
Term expires: 11/2027
Serves as Council Liaison to these City of Longmont boards:
- Asset Forfeiture Committee
- Old Hire Fire & Old Hire Police Pension Boards
Phone: 303-774-3614
Term expires: 11/2027
Serves as Council Liaison to these City of Longmont boards:
- Art in Public Places
- Library Advisory Board
- Longmont Youth Council
- Museum Advisory Board
Represents the City of Longmont by serving on the following boards:
- Boulder County Consortium of Cities (alternate)
Phone: 303-774-3612
Term expires: 12/2025
Serves as Council Liaison to these City of Longmont boards:
Represents the City of Longmont by serving on the following boards:
Phone: 303-774-3617
Term expires: 11/2027
Serves as Council Liaison to these City of Longmont boards:
- Longmont Public Media Board
- Golf Course Advisory Board
- Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Represents the City of Longmont by serving on the following boards:
- Boulder County Consortium of Cities
- Resource Conservation Board
Phone: 303-774-3618
Term expires: 11/2025
Serves as Council Liaison to these City of Longmont boards:
- Longmont Housing and Human Services Advisory Board
- Neighborhood Group Leaders Association
- Planning and Zoning Commission
Represents the City of Longmont by serving on the following boards:
- Colorado Municipal League Policy Committee
- Commuting Solutions
- Denver Regional Council of Governments (alternate)
- North I-25 Coalition
- Northwest Rail Corridor Governments Committee
Phone: 303-774-3615
Term expires: 11/2025
Serves as Council Liaison to these City of Longmont boards:
- Transportation Advisory Board
Represents the City of Longmont by serving on the following boards:
- Longmont Downtown Development Authority
- Longmont Sister Cities Association
Phone: 303-774-3613
There are various ways to contact your City Council representatives:
In writing
Written correspondence is distributed to City Council Members with their weekly agenda packet. Please send all written correspondence to:
Name of City Council Member
c/o City Clerk’s Office
350 Kimbark St.
Longmont, CO 80501
By Email or Phone
All City Council Members may be reached individually by email or telephone. In addition, residents may contact the Mayor and Council Members in one communication by utilizing the online City Council contact form.
By Appointment
- The Mayor has an office in the Civic Center, 350 Kimbark St., and is available by appointment only. To request an appointment, please call 303-651-8601 and, whenever possible, allow three weeks advance notice for your request.
- City Council Members share an office in the Civic Center, 350 Kimbark St., and may be available for appointments. Please directly contact the Council Member with whom you wish to meet to make arrangements.
Coffee with Council meetings
Coffee with Council is an open forum that is intended be an interactive and informal gathering where residents and members of the public have an opportunity to speak with elected officials on any topic. At least two City Council members will be in attendance at each gathering. “Coffee with Council” is scheduled for the last Saturday of the month and takes place at various locations around the City from 9 until 10 am.
City Council meetings
City Council meetings are every Tuesday evening at 7 pm at the Civic Center, Council Chambers at 350 Kimbark St. (corner of Kimbark Street and Third Avenue) and broadcast live online or on our Channel 8/880.
Public Invited to Be Heard is included on the weekly agenda and provides an opportunity for residents to speak before City Council in a public forum regarding any topic. Each speaker is allowed 3 minutes to speak.
For more information, please view more information about City Council Meetings and review the upcoming Council agendas.
Please note:
All correspondence to City Council is public information and will be treated accordingly.
Find My City Council Member
The City of Longmont is governed by a seven-member City Council, including the Mayor. The Mayor is elected to serve a two-year term, and each Council member is elected to serve a four-year term. The Mayor and City Council members are the leaders and policy makers in the community. They represent various segments of the community and focus on policy issues that address residents’ needs and wishes. Their role is crucial in ensuring that the city’s governance is transparent and responsive to the community.