Developers and Contractors

We strongly encourage you to contact LPC’s field engineering staff at 303-651-8386 before planning and estimating project costs and/or applying for a building permit. LPC can help explain the fees, options, and processes associated with your project. Contacting LPC first will also help avoid project delays.
To request a utility map, please email
To get started, select the correct form to initiate an LPC engineering design, cost estimate and work order for your new or upgraded electric service facilities:
The Electric Service Request Form is required as part of your submittal of initial site and construction plans to the City of Longmont Design Review Committee. It is also a vehicle for initiating design with LPC prior to obtaining a building permit and will assist you in planning your project.
Within City of Longmont boundaries, you must obtain a Building Permit from the City’s Building Inspection Division. Click here to access their web page which includes links to pdf files of permit applications for:
- New Residential Construction Building Permit
- Residential Remodel or Addition Building Permit
- New Commercial/Industrial Construction Building Permit
- Commercial/Industrial Remodel or Addition Building Permit
- Miscellaneous Building Permit
On the Electric Service Request form, you must include:
- Electric service size (in amps)
- Voltage
- Number of meters
- Name and address of the parties responsible for payment of construction, connection, and metering
- Monthly utility bills at the service location
Note: A permit will not be issued if any of this information is omitted.
– OR –
Outside City of Longmont boundaries in Boulder County but within LPC’s electric service territory, you must submit a Power Data Form to LPC. The Power Data form requires the same electric service information as a City building permit. Contact Boulder County at 303-441-3925 to apply for a building permit.