Commercial Rates - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Commercial Rates

Franchise Fee Information

We believe that providing great service means providing clear and transparent communication. LPC electric rates and service charges include the 8.64 percent Franchise Fee paid to the City of  Longmont General Fund. The General Fund covers services typically associated with local government such as Police, Fire, Parks, Recreation, Planning, Code Enforcement, Library, and Economic Development.


Even with the inclusion of the franchise fee, Longmont Power & Communications’ rates are among the lowest in both the state and the nation.


These descriptions are a summary of LPC’s 2025 rates. For a complete description and customer type/applicability, visit the LPC Rates and Regulations.


Commercial Energy Rate (CE)

Customers with less than 50 kW demand per month pay for electricity consumed as measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). A $27 monthly service charge also appears on customer utility bills to cover the cost of distribution power lines, transformer expense, substation expense, meter overhead and maintenance, billing and customer service. These represent the fixed costs to provide service to each customer regardless of usage amounts.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer Charge$27.00$27.00
Energy Charge, per kWh10.75¢11.80¢

Commercial Demand Rate (CD)

Customers exceeding 50 kW demand in any two consecutive months pay for electricity consumed as measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) and for electric demand as measured in kilowatts (kW). Demand is the highest 15-minute average demand occurring during the billing period. A $128 monthly service charge also appears on customer utility bills to cover the cost of distribution power lines, transformer expense, substation expense, meter overhead and maintenance, billing and customer service. These represent the fixed costs to provide service to each customer regardless of usage amounts.

If demand does not exceed 50 kW for 12 consecutive months, customers may request to be assigned the Commercial Energy (CE) rate.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer Charge$128.00$128.00
Energy Charge, per kWh6.21¢6.83¢
Demand Charge, per kW$17.75$19.52

Commercial Coincident Demand Rate (CCD)

Customers whose demand exceeds 800 kW in two consecutive months pay for electricity consumed as measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) and for coincident and maximum electric demand as measured in kilowatts (kW). Coincident demand is the highest recorded customer demand during the Platte River Power Authority system peak hour and day in the billing period. Maximum demand will be the highest recorded customer demand occurring during the billing period. For detailed CCD information, visit LPC’s Rates and Regulations Page.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer Charge$500.00$500.00
Energy Charge, per kWh6.13¢6.73¢
Coincident Demand Charge, per kW$14.33$15.77
Maximum Demand Charge, per kW$5.21$5.74

Commercial Energy Self Generation Legacy Rate (CEGL)

Business customers whose demand is below 50kW and who generate or store electricity on their side of the meter using an eligible distributed energy resource limited to a maximum of 50 kW are eligible for this rate.To qualify for the legacy rate,  the generation or storage system onof the customer’s side of the meter must have received permission to operate (PTO) on or before December 31, 2024. Note, any increase in the size of the system, replacement or upgrade of the system , or ownership change for the property served by the system, shall require the customer to operate under the terms of the Commercial Energy Self Generation Rate (CEGE) below. All CEGL customers will transition to CEGE (or other applicable rate) in January 2040.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer/Distribution System Charge:$39.63$39.63
Energy Charge, per kWh, below the average monthly kWh in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class9.49¢10.45¢
Energy Charge, per kWh, above the average monthly kWh in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class10.75¢11.80¢
Generation credit—All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer's generation system that flows onto the utility's distribution system9.49¢10.45¢

Commercial Energy Self Generation Rate (CEGE)

Business customers whose demand is below 50kW and who generate or store electricity on their side of the meter using an eligible distributed energy resource, limited to a maximum of 50 kW, which received permission to operate (PTO) on or after January 1, 2025, are eligible for this rate.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer/Distribution System Charge:$39.63$39.63
Energy Charge, per kWh, below the average monthly kWh in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class9.49¢10.45¢
Energy Charge, per kWh, above the average monthly kWh in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class10.75¢11.80¢
Generation credit—All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer's generation system that flows onto the utility's distribution system8.56¢8.56¢

Commercial Demand Self Generation Legacy Rate (CDGL)

Business customers whose demand is above 50kW and who generate or store electricity on their side of the meter using an eligible distributed energy resource  limited to a maximum of 50 kW are eligible for this rate. To qualify for the legacy rate, the generation or storage system on the customer’s side of the meter must have received permission to operate (PTO) on or before December 31, 2024. Note, any increase in the size of the system, replacement or upgrade of the system , or ownership change for the property served by the system, shall require the customer to operate under the terms of the Commercial Energy Self Generation Rate (CEGE) below. All CEGL customers will transition to CEGE (or other applicable rate) in January 2040.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer/Distribution System Charge:$128.00$128.00
Energy Charge, per kWh6.21¢6.83¢
Generation credit—All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer's generation system that flows onto the utility's distribution system6.21¢6.83¢
Demand Charge, per maximum kW$17.75$19.52

Commercial Demand Self Generation Rate (CDGE)

Business customers whose demand is above 50kW and who generate or store electricity on their side of the meter using an eligible distributed energy resource, limited to a maximum of 50 kW, which received permission to operate (PTO) on or after January 1, 2025, are eligible for this rate.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer/Distribution System Charge:$128.00$128.00
Energy Charge, per kWh6.21¢6.83¢
Generation credit—All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer's generation system that flows onto the utility's distribution system4.99¢4.99¢
Demand Charge, per maximum kW$17.75$19.52

Commercial Coincident Self Generation Legacy Rate (CCGL)

Business customers whose demand is above 800kW and who generate or store electricity on their side of the meter using an eligible distributed energy resource  limited to a maximum of 50 kW are eligible for this rate. To qualify for the legacy rate, the generation or storage system on the customer’s side of the meter must have received permission to operate (PTO) on or before December 31, 2024. Note, any increase in the size of the system, replacement or upgrade of the system , or ownership change for the property served by the system, shall require the customer to operate under the terms of the Commercial Energy Self Generation Rate (CEGE) below. All CEGL customers will transition to CEGE (or other applicable rate) in January 2040.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer/Distribution System Charge:$500.00$500.00
Energy Charge, per kWh6.13¢6.73¢
Generation credit—All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer's generation system that flows onto the utility's distribution system6.13¢6.73¢
Demand Charge, per maximum kW$14.33$15.77

Commercial Coincident Self Generation Rate (CCGE)

Business customers whose demand is above 800kW and who generate or store electricity on their side of the meter using an eligible distributed energy resource, limited to a maximum of 50 kW, which received permission to operate (PTO) on or after January 1, 2025, are eligible for this rate.

TypeNon-Summer RateSummer Rate
Customer/Distribution System Charge:$500.00$500.00
Energy Charge, per kWh6.13¢6.73¢
Generation credit—All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer's generation system that flows onto the utility's distribution system4.99¢4.99¢
Demand Charge, per maximum kW$14.33$15.77

Renewable Energy Rate (CRU)

Business Customers can purchase electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Customers must subscribe to LPC’s renewable energy program for 12 consecutive months in blocks of 500 kWh.

Energy Charge: 1.034 cents per kWh in addition to standard rate