A Snow-Brainer
A Snow-Brainer
If you’re a snow fan, this has been your winter. After all, Longmont pretty much had a white Christmas. And New Year’s. And … well, you get the idea, especially after this last snowstorm.
That’s great for sledding, snowballs and quiet nights at home. But it’s not so great for trees and power lines. Especially if a wet, heavy snow breaks a branch – right over the line to your neighborhood.
Yes, even in a city that’s nationally known for electric reliability, snow and wind and ice can still hold some surprises. So make sure to keep a few safety rules in mind:
- If a tree or branch has fallen against a power line, do NOT try to clear it yourself. Electricity always seeks the best path to the ground and if you become that path, you could get killed. Instead, report it to Longmont Power & Communications by calling 303-651-8386.
- If you see a broken power line, STAY AWAY. A live line can energize the ground for at least 35 feet in every direction, and you should ALWAYS assume a line is live; you won’t necessarily see sparks. Again, call us – our crews will be glad to take care of it for you.
- If you own a tree that’s near power lines, stay ahead of the next storm by having a licensed tree specialist trim the branches back. (For your own safety, don’t do this yourself.)If you need the power temporarily shut off for a trimming or other maintenance work, call LPC at 303-651-8386 during regular business hours.
So stay safe and enjoy the winter. Our LPC electric crews will be working hard (as always) to keep providing the power you depend on, and with their skill and your awareness, we can make this a great, safe season.
Together, we’re a crack team.