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Game On

Some stars make history by pulling off the incredible over and over again. Accelerator Dial Speeding to Right

LeBron James on the court. Hank Aaron on the diamond. Wayne Gretzky on the ice. In every era and every sport, it’s the same quality: consistency. When someone like that steps up, the crowd leans in to watch in anticipation, knowing that today’s performance will be just as amazing as yesterday’s.  Not a brief flash of brilliance, but excellence for the long haul.

That stands out. In sports. In music. On the screen.

And when you live in Longmont, it stands out in your internet connection, too.

Ask PC Magazine. They just put out their list of the 10 fastest ISPs in the nation for 2021 and for the fourth straight year, NextLight is among the fastest of the fast. In fact, our community’s locally-owned provider ranked third in the country.

That’s a lot for Longmont to brag about. But it gets better.

In those four years, NextLight has never placed lower than no. 4 on the list (including one year of beating everyone else hands-down). Only one other internet provider has made the top five every year in that time period, and that’s Google Fiber.

That’s consistency.

And it’s no less than our community expects.

Good internet service isn’t just about providing great speeds and service today, but every day. We’re proud to deliver that and proud to have it recognized, not just by the national press but by the families and businesses that depend on us for that service.

We’ve said it before: you’re not just our customers, you’re our owners and our neighbors. When you win, we win. And when you talk us up – whether online or on the street – that’s the prize we cherish.

Thank you for that.

One last thing: before you go, don’t forget to clock in at the PC Mag speed test so we can start prepping for 2022.

After all, it’s never too soon to start pulling off the incredible again.