Here's the Buzz: Be Smart With Wasps! - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Here’s the Buzz: Be Smart With Wasps!

Once upon a time, a Kansas school principal told me the dumbest thing he’d ever done.

Naturally, it involved Christmas lights. The worst home disasters always seem to. He’d been in a hurry to leave, noticed a strand of lights hanging loose from the roof, and decided to do a quick fix. In other words, he:

a) Leaned a ladder against the roof without unfolding it. (Note – never lean a ladder without unfolding it.) b) Stood on the top step to get a little more height. (You know to never stand on the top step, right?) c) L-E-A-N-E-D out to one side so he could reach the strand. (Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!)

And with one quick, downward motion, he got to explain a broken arm to his students for the next several weeks.

Why do I bring this up? Because it’s wasp season. And just like that hasty principal, it’s easy to try a “quick fix” for a wasp’s nest and hurt yourself badly.

Wasps build nests in odd places. Those places sometime include our lovely pedestal lights, the short neighborhood streetlights that look like they came out of “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.” These are designed to hold our electric meters. They are not designed to host a wasp condo, but nobody told the wasps.

When you see a nest in a pedestal light, it can be tempting to spray it. DON’T.

Let me repeat that – DON’T!

One more time for the folks in the back row – PLEASE DO NOT SPRAY A WASP NEST THAT’S IN THE PEDESTAL LIGHT! CALL US INSTEAD!

Why? Because most wasp sprays aren’t rated for electrical equipment. So that quick fix can wind up giving you a dangerous zap. Maybe even a fatal one. No wasp is worth that.

Give us a call at 303-651-8386. We’ll take care of it. And you can sit back and dream of cold weather, where there isn’t a wasp as far as the eye can see.

Just Christmas lights.

Mind the ladder.