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Longmont Community Memorial Project

Longmont Community Memorial Project

Longmont Senior Services staff recognizes that the pandemic has impacted people’s ability to memorialize lost loved ones in many ways. Also, the pandemic has disproportionately affected older adults in our community. We would like to offer the community a variety of ways to both digitally and in-person to memorialize loved ones lost during the pandemic.

We are coordinating with the Longmont Museum to have a Longmont Community Memorial for Día de los Muertos this fall. Our hope is that this project creates ways for the community to join together in socially-distant public space to honor all those who have died during this time, be it to COVID-19 or from any cause.

Submissions may include photographs, poetry, art, and/or other writings. Submissions will not be returned, so please keep your originals and only submit copies. In order for your submission to be included on the Día de los Muertos alter, please submit by September 23. Submissions turned in after this date will still be used for additional memorials.

To obtain a submission form and information about how to drop off your submission, please contact Brandy Queen at or 303-651-8414.

Image of Cemetery with text: "Longmont Community Memorial Project"