Rapid Flashing Safety Beacons Installed on Main Street
Rapid Flashing Safety Beacons Installed on Main Street
Sept. 26, 2023 – The City of Longmont and the Longmont Downtown Development Authority (LDDA) have installed Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the mid-block pedestrian crossings on the 300, 400 and 500 blocks of Main Street/US 287. The RRFB crosswalks were activated on Tuesday, Sept. 26.
“The LDDA Board’s top priority is safety, understanding that almost every person is a pedestrian at some point of their trip to Downtown.” said Kimberlee McKee, Executive Director of the LDDA. “Adding flashing lights to the mid-block crossings gets us closer to achieving our vision that access to Downtown is easy, safe and low stress for people living, working or visiting by any form of transportation. We look forward to better connecting visitors to parking, businesses and entertainment throughout the Downtown District.”
RRFBs are added to pedestrian crossing signs to increase pedestrian visibility and safety. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the use of RRFBs can result in a vast increase in motorists yielding for pedestrians at marked crosswalks.
For more information or if you have questions about the new RRFBs on Main Street, visit the City’s ServiceWorks! webpage or give us a call at (303) 651-8416.