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RP3 Logo For 2020

Sure as a Snowfall

When I posted a shot of our recent 11 inches of snow, an out-of-state friend was aghast. Snowy Neigborhood in North Longmont

“What is up with the snow in April?” she (approximately) asked in her comment. 

I had to laugh before replying. As veteran Longmont residents know, March and April are usually our snowiest months. They’re the reason why local gardeners don’t start planting until after Mother’s Day, and why salt, shovels and winter coats still remain close at hand long after the Easter Bunny has gone hippity-hopping down the bunny trail.

Some things you just know you can count on. A white springtime. Another James Patterson novel. A TV episode solving the mystery in the last five minutes.

And today, for the seventh time since 2006, you can add LPC getting an RP3 award to that list.

That last one may require a little explanation.

RP3 stands for Reliable Public Power Provider, a multi-year designation received from the American Public Power Association. As the name suggests, electric reliability is one of the qualities that’s praised, similar to our recent certificate of excellence that recognized us for having few outages and responding quickly to the ones we had.

RP3 Logo For 2020But an RP3 is much more than that.

It reflects the safety measures that a utility takes. That was important to us even before COVID-19 hit, and we’ve since added steps specifically to limit the spread.

It reflects how much attention a utility has put into maintaining and upgrading its electric infrastructure: the wires, the substations, the vital equipment that keeps the power coming.

It reflects how we deal with our customers. How we train our employees. How committed we really are to delivering safe, reliable power to the community we serve.

In short, it reflects excellence. Especially when it comes attached with a Diamond rating, the highest the APPA can award.

And as our customers – and our owners! – you deserve nothing less. You count on reliable power. And since 1912, you’ve been able to count on us to provide it. That commitment and trust is more important to us than any award could ever be.

And that’s no snow job.


LPC Truck on Snowy Rural Road