That’ll be the Día
That’ll be the Día
Lonely at the top? Really?
Whoever coined that phrase must not have visited Longmont.
We’re a community that’s used to having nice things that are shared by a lot of people. Things like one of the most reliable electric utilities in the country. Or a NextLight fiber internet that’s among the fastest in the nation. Or – as fall gets underway – the largest Day of the Dead celebration in Colorado.
Get ready. This year, our “bests” are teaming up.
With COVID-19 still in the headlines, gathering 8,000 people together for a good time just isn’t the thing this year. So for 2020, Día de los Muertos is entering NextLight’s turf and going virtual! The Longmont Museum’s annual celebration, sponsored by NextLight and Longmont Power & Communications, will still have everything you’ve come to expect – artwork and altars, history and memories, music and dance – through the power of your internet connection and the help of a celebration kit picked up curbside at the museum. (And yes, nobody’s forgotten the sugar skulls!) Some of this requires registration, so check out the link!
Meanwhile, there’s plenty of other connected goodies that the Museum is bringing straight to your home. Things like Discovery Days for the kids with at-home craft kits. Or Art & Sip for the creatively minded. Or the weekly Facebook Live programs livestreamed directly from Stewart Auditorium on Thursday nights.
We’ve said for six years now that NextLight brings the world to Longmont. In times like these, it can even bring Longmont to Longmont. With just a click, the virtual doors open to the Longmont Museum, the Longmont Library, and so many other wonderful places.
We think that’s simply tops.