This Week in Longmont – April 12, 2019
This Week in Longmont – April 12, 2019
Would You Like to Serve Your Community?
Residents are invited to serve as official advisors to Longmont City Council on several boards and commissions. Committee members research and discuss local issues and offer recommendations to City Council. To apply, you must be a registered voter of Longmont for at least one year prior to being appointed, and you must reside inside Longmont city limits. To see vacancies and apply, visit bit.ly/longmontapp. The application deadline is 5 pm on Friday, April 26.
Show Your Support for Local Programming
It’s time to reimagine what Public Access TV can and will look like. Longmont City Council wants to hear about what you watch now, what local information is important, and how you access content. Visit Engage.LongmontColorado.gov to take a five-minute survey, add your ideas, and “like” ideas submitted by others. For more information, email Sandi.Seader@LongmontColorado.gov or call 303-651-8634.
Nature St. Vrain Environmental Open House
The Education Foundation for the St. Vrain Valley, St. Vrain Valley Schools, Boulder County Parks & Open Space, and the City of Longmont invite you to the Nature St. Vrain open house from 5 to 8 pm on Friday, April 12, at the St. Vrain Innovation Center, 33 Quail Road. Celebrate the contributions of K-12 students to citizen science projects and enjoy a presentation at 6:45 pm by renowned Colorado photographer John Fielder. You also can learn about the Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center volunteer program. For details, visit EFSVV.org.
Learn About the Highway 66 Planning & Environmental Linkages Study
CDOT will host two public meetings where the community can learn about and provide feedback on its study of transportation needs along State Highway 66 from Lyons to WCR 19 and the Access Control Plan that will make recommendations for changes to the location and design of driveways and intersections. The meetings will be from 4:30 to 7:30 pm on Tuesday, April 16, at the Weld County Southwest Services Complex at 4209 CR 24½ and from 4:30 to 7:30 pm on Thursday, April 18, at Longs Peak Middle School, 1500 14th Avenue in Longmont. To learn more and to submit feedback online visit codot.gov/library/studies/co-66-pel.
Mayor’s Early Education Summit
The community is invited to participate in the Mayor’s Early Education Summit to help shape the future of early childhood education in Longmont from 9 am to 12:30 pm on Saturday, April 27, at the Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Avenue. Breakfast will be provided. Register at bit.ly/mayorseducationsummit. To learn more, call 303-774-3760 or email Olga.Bermudez@LongmontColorado.gov.
Underwater Easter Egg Hunt Cancelled
Due to continuing repairs to Centennial Pool, the annual Underwater Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for April 20 has been cancelled. The Longmont Recreation Center at 310 Quail Road will be open from noon to 4 pm (pool closes at 3:30) on Sunday, April 21, and special underwater eggs will be placed in the pool area. Regular admission fees apply. For Centennial Pool updates, visit LongmontColorado.gov/swim.
Support Sister Cities at the Ed Green Dinner
The annual Ed Green Scholarship Dinner from 6:30 to 9 pm on Friday, April 26, at the Xilinx Summit Retreat, 3100 Logic Drive, celebrates and supports the Longmont Sister Cities program and the student ambassadors who have been awarded an Ed and Christine Green scholarship. Purchase tickets for $10 per person or $25 per family at the door.
Share Your Household and Energy Needs
Are you stressed about household finances? Don’t know how to improve your energy efficiency? If your annual household income is less than $50,000, please take a brief survey at bit.ly/jtp-get-involved, and be entered to win a $100 gift card. Longmont’s Just Transition Plan will be developed in partnership with the community to create a fair, balanced transition to 100 percent renewable electricity that is reliable and affordable by 2030. For more information email Sustainability@LongmontColorado.gov or call 303-651-8416.
Crime Free Housing Training
The next free Crime Free Housing class will be held from 8 am to 5 pm on Wednesday, May 22, in Longmont. This class is a must for anyone who manages or leases out residential property. Topics include warning signs of illegal activity; crime prevention strategies; crime-free, drug-free lease addendum; being a proactive property manager; the eviction process and more. Visit bit.ly/longmontcrimefree for more information and to register.
Don’t Be Shocked by Wasps – Let LPC Help
Wasps can be unwelcome visitors, but it’s important to evict them safely. If you find a nest in your pedestal light (the lamppost that contains the electric meter), call Longmont Power & Communications at 303-651-8386 to have it removed. Do NOT attempt to spray the wasps yourself! Most commercially available wasp sprays aren’t safe to use on electrical equipment, and you could be seriously injured if the spray becomes energized.
Longmont Celebrates Cinco de Mayo
Join this year’s 17th annual Cinco de Mayo Celebration on May 4, 11 am to 7 pm at Roosevelt Park, 700 Longs Peak Avenue. This event celebrates culture and honors the health of the community. See more at longmontcincodemayo.com.