This Week in Longmont - January 14, 2022 - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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This Week in Longmont – January 14, 2022

City Council Open Forum — POSTPONED
The Longmont City Council decided during the Jan. 11 meeting that the Open Forum would be postponed until a later date. Call the City Clerk’s Office for more information at 303-651-8649. To view current and past Council and City Advisory Board agendas, visit

Holiday Schedules for City Facilities
Most City facilities will be closed on Monday, Jan. 17, in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. Recreation facilities will be open. Trash, recycling and compost services will be collected one day later than normal. The Waste Diversion Center will be closed on Monday, Jan. 17. Find the most up-to-date schedules at

January InBody Scan Special
Go beyond the scale with the InBody Scan, a non-invasive body composition analysis. During January, receive a free scan ($20 value) at the Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Road, with any purchase of a Personal Training pack of five or more, or a fully paid quarterly or annual recreation pass. For ages 14 and older. For more information, call 303-774-4752 or visit

Pop Culture Trivia at Library
Join the Longmont Librarians for a fun night of trivia focusing on the iconic show “The Golden Girls” (in honor of the late Betty White) and other popular sitcoms from 6-7 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 25. There can be up to six teams competing with a max of four persons per team (please limit team members to those in your household). Teams will participate in five rounds with five questions per round. Winners will receive a goody box to share! Registration is required for each member of a team and is limited to 24. Register your team and find full details at

Toilet Rebate Information
Applying for a toilet rebate? Make sure you qualify!

  • Was your home built before 1994? Business and multi-family customers can also participate; visit the website below for more details.
  • Is your new toilet’s gallon per flush (GPF) 1.1 GPF or less? Dual-flush toilet tip: Look for 0.8/1.28 toilets when shopping. 1.1/1.6 toilets DO NOT qualify.
  • Is your new toilet WaterSense certified and does it have a Maximum Performance (MaP) score of 600g or greater? Not all WaterSense toilets qualify.

Remember, when using any toilet only flush toilet paper and human waste. Visit or call 303-651-8416 to learn more about this rebate and other water conservation rebates.

Celebrate Local Sustainable Businesses
Join us starting at 5:30 pm on Thursday, Jan. 20, to celebrate local sustainable businesses. Meet the winners of the year, and let’s celebrate together the amazing efforts these participants are making to create a sustainable Longmont. Register at or call 303-774-4436.

January is Radon Action Month
Longmont Mayor Joan Peck has proclaimed January as “Official National Radon Action Month” in Longmont. With this proclamation, the Longmont City Council encourages all residents to learn about the health threat of radon in the Colorado Rocky Mountain region and to take appropriate steps to mitigate the hazards associated with high radon levels. Read the entire proclamation. The City of Longmont’s Public Works & Natural Resources Department has made several Safety Siren™ Radon Gas Detectors available to library patrons so that they can easily test the levels of radon gas in their homes. Check out a meter from the Longmont Public Library located at 409 Fourth Avenue. Learn more about radon at

Itty Bitty City Program Postponed
Due to the current COVID climate, Itty Bitty City – originally scheduled to begin Monday, January 14 at the Memorial Building – has been postponed this winter. Learn about alternate preschool activities at (use category Preschool or search by age).