This Week in Longmont - January 15, 2021 - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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This Week in Longmont – January 15, 2021

City Holiday Schedule
Longmont city government observes the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday, January 18. Most City facilities will be closed, but all Longmont Recreation facilities will be open regular hours by reservation. Trash, recycling and composting collection will be one day later than usual throughout the week. 

Speak to City Council at Open Forum
The Longmont City Council will hold a virtual Open Forum via Zoom beginning at 7 pm on Tuesday, January 19. Members of the public may speak to council for five minutes on any topic. For instructions on calling in to speak watch the livestream on the City’s YouTube channel at or at Following the meeting you can watch a recording on the City’s YouTube channel.

“Enduring Impressions” at the Museum
The irresistible allure of Impressionism is in the seductive vision of life’s fleeting moments distilled to their essence. The upcoming Longmont Museum exhibit “Enduring Impressions” presents original paintings, charcoal illustrations, and prints by Impressionists Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissarro, on loan from the collection of Drs. Morton and Tobia Mower. These painters produced stunning lithographs with printmaker George William Thornley. This exhibition is among the first to examine these remarkable relationships and to highlight the resulting works. The exhibit runs January 29 – May 15. Join the free virtual opening reception at 7:30 pm on Thursday, January 28, livestreamed on the Museum’s Facebook page,, and local Comcast channel 8/880.

All Ages Art Expo at the Library
The Library is inviting artists of every type, age, and skill to submit images of their work for inclusion in a virtual art exhibition planned for early February. Any kind of creative endeavor – from clay sculpture to pencil drawing to knitting to metalworking – is welcome in the exhibit as long as it is family friendly. Library staff will assemble the images into a community “All Ages Art Expo” that will premiere in early February on the Library’s website, YouTube, and social media. Creators can submit their works at through Sunday, January 31.

Why Diversity Matters in Tech Innovation
Have you wondered why public bathroom soap dispensers don’t work for your hands but seem to work for everyone else? Dr. Wendy DuBow will explain this and other technological anomalies resulting from the lack of diversity in technology creation in her virtual Library program “Why Diversity Matters in Tech Innovation” from 6 to 7 pm on Wednesday, January 27. She also will discuss the underrepresentation of women in technology and the influence diversity can have on both innovation and the bottom line, including examples of common technologies whose shortcomings illustrate her point. For more information and to register visit

Small Business Grant Relief Program Applications Now Open
Boulder County, in partnership with local government and nonprofit partners, will be administrating a small business grant program to specific businesses in January funded by the State of Colorado. Awards will range up to $7,000. The online application website is open and will be available until 5 pm on Friday, Jan. 29, 2021. Successful grantees will receive the grant award on or before Feb. 11, 2021. More information on how to apply and the eligibility requirements is be available at

Virtual Discovery Days at the Museum
Discovery Days encourages children ages 2 – 6 and their caregivers to learn together through engaging hands-on activities. To keep our littlest learners safe, the Museum now presents Discovery Days in a virtual format. Virtual Discovery Days is a two-part program that includes a Monthly-at-Home Craft Kit for purchase and virtual crafting and story time sessions that match the crafts and themes in the kits. Sessions run January 20 – April 30 at 10 am and at 11 am on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Learn more at or call 303-651-8374. 

Subscribe to Air Quality Updates
As directed by City Council, and in accordance with the objectives of the Sustainability Plan, an air quality monitoring program has been developed to monitor oil and gas emissions, and the overall air quality in the City of Longmont. Air monitoring instruments are located at Union Reservoir and Vance Brand Airport. Air monitors track the presence of compounds such as carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, methane, benzene, and particulate matter. Longmont’s preliminary air quality data is available in near real-time to interested residents. Air quality information also is available by subscribing to the City’s e-Notification system and choosing the “air quality” category.