This Week in Longmont – March 26, 2021
This Week in Longmont – March 26, 2021
St. Vrain Greenway Detour Begins March 25
Restoration of Longmont’s St. Vrain Greenway is continuing as part of the Resilient St. Vrain Project, and a new Greenway trail detour is being implemented March 25 from S. Sunset Street on the western end to Price Road on the eastern end. Download a PDF of the detour route.
Register for Smart911 in Case of Emergency
At a time when you may be panicked, unable to communicate, or it could be unsafe to communicate, Smart911 ensures that the details you would need to tell 9-1-1 are immediately available in the event you cannot verbally provide them. Smart911 is free, private and secure. View full details and registration information by visiting LongmontColorado.gov.
Free Museum Virtual Programs and Concert
Attend classes and watch programs at LongmontPublicMedia.org, Facebook.com/LongmontMuseum, or Comcast channel 8/880:
- Free Virtual Art & Sip Class: Gather your materials listed at LongmontMuseum.org and paint a contemporary Impressionist landscape with us online starting at 7:30 p.m. on March 31. This painting is inspired by the Museum’s current exhibit, “Enduring Impressions: Degas, Monet, Pissarro, and Their Printmaker George William Thornley”
- Free Thursday Night @ Virtual Museum Program: Join Manager of the Stewart Auditorium, Justin Veach, as he interviews guests in a late-night style talk show, “The Longmonster!” starting at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 1. Featuring Dave Tamkin and Company as house band.
- Free Friday Afternoon Virtual Concert: Listen to Colorado-based band Espresso! starting at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, April 2, as they merge two musical traditions with red-hot interpretations of American swing and Gypsy jazz favorites.
Shred Your Documents for Free
Safely and securely recycle your private documents by bringing your boxed or bagged documents to be shredded at the Waste Diversion Center, 140 Martin St., Saturday, April 3 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. This event is for residential documents only; no business materials will be accepted. Find more information at bit.ly/paper-shredding.
Play Online Trivia with Librarians
“Are You Smarter than a Librarian?” — an interactive, online trivia night program moderated by your Longmont librarians — is back on Monday, April 5, from 7-8:30 p.m. The program series is aimed at adults and older kids and features up to 25 people, teams, or households competing for bragging rights by winning the best of five rounds of play. Advance registration is required at bit.ly/LibPrograms.
Upcoming Landscaping, Wildlife Virtual Classes
The City of Longmont’s Parks, Open Space and Trails (POST) division is offering virtual classes April through September. Topics include xeriscaping, wildlife attraction and deterrents, information about pollinators, weeds, rainwater and more! See a calendar and register through JoinUs, our volunteer and educational events portal: bit.ly/join-us-calendar.
Spring Clean Your Business
The pandemic may have altered our everyday sustainability practices, but there are still ways businesses can reduce costs, support our local community and help the planet. Implement the Sustainable Business Program’s quick and easy sustainable steps at your business this spring: bit.ly/sbp-tips. [PDF]
Be Ready For Spring Branch Collection
The City of Longmont provides residents with a curbside collection of tree limbs each spring. To participate, your tree limbs must be placed curbside (no alley collection) before 7 a.m. on the MONDAY of your scheduled collection week. Crews go through each neighborhood only once during specified collection dates:
- Residences located north of 9th Avenue: Week of April 5
- Residences located south of 9th Avenue: Week of April 12
Limbs cannot be larger than 6 inches in diameter and no longer than 6 feet in length. Stack your limbs in bundles no bigger than 3 feet high. View full guidelines and details at bit.ly/springbranches or call 303-651-8416 with questions.
Library Program Looks at “When There Were Witches”
The Salem Witch Trials are one of the most iconic events in United States history and remain relevant more than 300 years after the final accused witch hanged on Gallows Hill. However, the events surrounding the trials and the motivations of the participants remain habitually misunderstood. Archivist and historian Mickey DiCamillo unravels the events of 1692 with help from archival documents from the period in “When There Were Witches: The Salem Witch Trials,” on Thursday, April 8 from 6:30-8 pm on Webex. Registration is required and limited to 195 participants. Register at bit.ly/LibPrograms#witches.
Longmont Museum Summer Camp 2021
Registration is now open for the Longmont Museum’s 2021 summer camp season, with programs planned outdoors, indoors, and virtually. Camp sessions run June 7 through July 30 for children ages 3 to 16. Children can explore popular themes such as Longmont history, STEM, visual arts, outdoor skills, pop-culture, fabric arts and sewing, music and theatre, a wizard’s school, and classic arts and crafts. Need-based scholarships are available. Learn more at LongmontMuseum.org.