This Week in Longmont – May 15, 2020
This Week in Longmont – May 15, 2020
Peace Officers Memorial Day
In 1962, President Kennedy signed a proclamation designating Peace Officers Memorial Day – May 15 this year – and the week in which that date falls as Police Week. Each year our nation loses between 140 and 160 law enforcement officers in the line of duty. The Longmont Police Department pays annual tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and due to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, the Peace Officers Memorial has been prerecorded. You can find the service at LongmontColorado.gov; search “Peace Officer Memorial.”
Now Enrolling: Summer Child Care
Recreation Services is offering a modified version of the Longmont Summer Day Camp adapted to COVID-19 guidelines with full day, on-site child care at the St. Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue. Child care is available from 7 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday for youth ages 5-13. Boulder County and Weld County CCAP participants accepted. Visit LongmontColorado.gov/SummerDayCamp for enrollment information. Call 303-774-4827 or 303-774-3795 with questions .
Museum Summer Camps Move Virtual
In virtual summer camps at the Longmont Museum, children ages 3 to 16 will explore popular themes such as STEM, the Wild West, visual arts, outdoor skills, pop culture, fabric arts and sewing, movement and circus tricks, a wizard’s school, and classic arts and crafts. Each camp will be held online in a secure meeting room with activities to do away from the screen. Camps range in cost from $125 – $185 per week and last between one and three hours per day. The cost of all camps includes a specialized kit of supplies to be picked up outside the Museum the week prior to camp. Learn more and register at LongmontMuseum.org.
Seeking Sustainability Technicians
Do you know Longmont residents who would like to earn extra income over the summer while contributing to the city’s sustainability and community resilience initiatives? The City of Longmont’s Sustainable Opportunities, Lifestyles and Leadership Program (SOLL) is training neighborhood-based “sustainability technicians” to install green, low-maintenance, cost-saving measures and to offer education and outreach for City services related to sustainability and community resiliency. The program will be launched in three Longmont neighborhoods. Health and safety wear and guidelines will be provided. For more details visit bit.ly/longmontsoll or email Wayne.Tomac@LongmontColorado.gov or Aterah.Nusrat@LongmontColorado.gov.
Say “No” to the Hose!
Beautiful days and warm nights are here so it’s natural to want to tidy up and enjoy our outdoor spaces. Instead of hosing off your driveway, patio or sidewalk, grab a broom and sweep them. They’ll still get clean and you’ll save water and money. Learn more waterwise tips and tricks at bit.ly/sustainability-longmont.
Modified FLEX Service Resumes
Beginning Monday, May 18, Transfort is resuming partial and modified FLEX service after temporarily suspending service levels due to COVID-19. FLEX will resume three (3) round trips between Boulder, Longmont, Loveland, and Fort Collins on weekdays. For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit ridetransfort.com/flex.
Drinking Water Quality Report Available
The 2019 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report is available online at bit.ly/drinking-water-longmont. You’ll find information about Longmont’s drinking water and results of the most recent tests that were done on our drinking water. Printed copies will be available to view at the Library, the Utility Billing window in the Civic Center, and the Service Center when they reopen. If you need a printed copy, call 303-651-8416. If you previously signed up to request a printed copy, you should receive it in the mail in May. Para solicitar el informe anual de calidad del agua potable de Longmont en español, marque 303-651-8416.
Find Out What’s Open at the City of Longmont
Boulder County’s Stay at Home Order was extended until May 8, and all City of Longmont programs and events have been cancelled through May 31. City facilities will reopen gradually based on guidance from Boulder County Public Health. Stay up to date on what’s open, what’s closed, and information you need to be safe as you venture out at LongmontColorado.gov/coronavirus, or call 303-774-3759 for a recorded message.