This Week in Longmont – May 29, 2015
This Week in Longmont – May 29, 2015
Outdoor Warning System Test
The City’s Outdoor Emergency Warning System (OEWS) is being tested at 10 am on Monday, June 1. The system is tested the first Monday of every month from April through August. Other than for testing, the system will be used only to notify the community when immediate action should be taken. If you hear the sirens and it isn’t the first Monday of the month at 10 am, seek shelter immediately and tune to local media for information.
Coffee with Council
Longmont City Council will host Coffee with Council from 9 to 10 am on Saturday, May 30, at the OUR Center, 250 3rd Avenue. At this event, you can talk informally with at least two council members on any topic of your choice. Council members Polly Christensen and Bonnie Finley are scheduled to attend. For information about council meetings and agendas, call the City Clerk’s Office at 303-651-8649.
Volunteers Needed for Weekend Triathlon
Longmont Triathlon Weekend desperately needs volunteers to be course marshals on the bike course for both the Longmont Kids Only Triathlon (Saturday, May 30, 7 am to 11 am) and the Longmont Triathlon (Sunday, May 31, 6 am to 11 am). Races start at Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St. Volunteers can contact Heather Deal at heather.deal@longmontcolorado.gov or 303-774-4718, by 3 pm on Friday, if you can help out on Saturday, and by 1 pm on Saturday if you can help out on Sunday. All volunteers will receive a really nice volunteer shirt, as well as plenty of food snacks, before they start their course marshalling and when they return back to Centennial Pool.
Longmont to Host Airport Noise Meeting
The City of Longmont and a legal expert will host a public presentation on the legal limitations of regulating noise at Vance Brand Municipal Airport on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 from 5:30 to 7 pm at the Longmont Senior Center located at 910 Longs Peak Avenue. Only questions that were submitted in advance by the deadline will be answered.
SilverSneakers® Social
Bring your favorite summer treat to share, and mingle with other SilverSneakers® members from 1:30 to 3 pm on Friday, June 5, at the Longmont Recreation Center meeting room, 310 Quail Road. The SilverSneakers® Fitness program is available to Medicare participants with select insurance plans. SilverSneakers® pass holders can drop in for facility use at the Longmont Recreation Center, Centennial Pool at 1201 Alpine Street, and the St. Vrain Memorial Building at 700 Longs Peak Avenue. Call Heather or Lindsey at 303-774-4800 to reserve your place.
Free Friday Fun at the Ranch
Bring your children to the Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center at 3001 E. Highway 119, and have a relaxing morning with friends while crafting, playing with toys, walking the trail, or taking part in one of the day’s activities. This program for all ages is from 10 am to noon on Fridays, June 5 through July 31 (except July 3). Admission is free, but there is a $2 per person suggested donation. For more information, call 303-774-4692.
Volunteer at Button Rock Preserve
Button Rock Preserve and Ralph Price Reservoir remain closed to the public until further notice; however, if you sign up as a volunteer, you’ll get VIP access to the park while we work to restore flood damage. Volunteer with the City of Longmont on National Trails Day, Saturday, June 6, to help clear vegetation along the trail corridor and again on National Get Outdoors Day on Saturday, June 13, to assist with fire mitigation. For more information or to register visit http://bit.ly/volunteerpost and click on the volunteer calendar link under the Single Day Events or call 303-651-8446.
Longmont Idol Returns for the 8th Year
The public is invited to the first performance of this year’s Longmont Idol competition at 6 pm on Friday, June 12, at Children, Youth and Families, 1050 Lashley Street. The competition is a wonderful opportunity for a free, fun-filled family evening while supporting some of our community’s most talented residents. For more information call 303-651-8580.
Slow the Flow Outdoor Water Assessment
The City of Longmont, in partnership with the Center for ReSource Conservation, is offering Slow the Flow Outdoor Assessments for your home or business. Following winter, sprinkler systems require a thorough inspection to catch breakages and avoid larger problems later in the season. Professional water technicians will get your sprinkler system in tip-top shape, ensuring that your water use is efficient and effective this summer. For more details visit conservationcenter.org/slow-the-flow-2.