Child Car Seat Checkpoint - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Child Car Seat Checkpoint

child safety car seat

If you are seven months pregnant your car seat should already be installed!  Your car seat should be in place long before you go to the hospital – plan ahead.

Child Car Seat Check Point

The leading cause of death among children ages 3-14 in the United States is motor vehicle accidents. We can decrease this number by more than half by placing children in appropriate safety seats. Safety seats that are installed correctly can decrease the risk of death by 71% in infants and 54% in toddlers, and decrease the risk of injury to children using booster seats by 59%. Longmont Fire wants to take a stand and keep our kids safe. According to Safe Kids USA, 55% of fatal crashes happen in rural communities and are usually more severe.

All child car seat check points are now in person. Instructions are provided in the Eventbrite registration information for the location of the fire station you will be reporting to.

Please select a date and time from the options on the registration. The appointment can be scheduled on Wednesdays if made 24 hours in advance. The time slots available are between 1pm and 5pm.

Link to Eventbrite Registration

Please do not go to any of the Longmont Fire Stations for a child car seat checkpoint without registering.

fire station car seat new mom car seat


Additional Information:

As there are many different types of car seats, it’s important to take the time and choose the correct seat to fit your child’s age, weight, and height. The safest seat is the one that is installed correctly and used correctly 100% of the time.

Colorado’s child restraint system law has been updated as of January 1, 2025. The changes include:

      • Booster seats: Children must now use a car seat or booster seat until they are 9 years old (previously under 8 years old)
      • Rear-facing car seats: Children under 2 years old and weighing under 40 pounds must be restrained in a rear-facing car seat in the rear seat if available (previously under 1 year old and under 20 pounds). Children under 2 years old but weighing over 40 pounds may use either a rear-facing or forward-facing car seat
      • Seat belt or car seat requirement ages: Children under 18 years old must now be properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint system (previously under 16 years old)
      • For more information on the updates to Colorado Child Passenger Safety Laws, visit
  • Install your car seat using LATCH or seat belt, not both.
  • The car seat should not move more than 1” side to side or front to back once installed.
  • Check your vehicle manual for rules about which seating positions have LATCH and what the LATCH weight limit is.
  • Check your car seat manual for information about car seat expiration, height, and weight limits.
  • Never use a seat that has been involved in a crash.
  • Remove bulky clothing and coats before buckling up.
  • Never use items in your car seat that didn’t come with the seat.


The following videos may assist you in installing your child car seat:


If you have questions, please email Engineer Nathan Rea or Car Seat Tech Steve Johnson.

Other Local Fire Departments Offering Child Car Seat Safety Check Points


Colorado Child Passenger Safety Law

Requirements (see page 2 of document) for car seats in the State of Colorado set by the Colorado Department of Transportation.

Car Seat Tips

The American Academy of Pediatrics provides a number of tips for the selection of a car seat as well as instructions for installation.

Obtaining a Car Seat

The City of Longmont does not have a program to provide free car seats.

Donating a Car Seat

Longmont residents can donate car seats:

  • Operation Foster Hope. Please access their website and complete the “Donate” information form. Staff will respond and provide instructions as well as the address where the car seat(s) can be dropped off in the Firestone area.
  • Wee-Cycle. Longmont Public Safety is a drop off point for “new” and “like new” and “very good condition” car seats for Wee-Cycle. Only clean car seats will be accepted. Those dropping off car seats must be willing to provide their address and sign a statement indicating the car seat has not been involved in an accident. Longmont Public Safety accepts donations between the 1st and 10th of every month. 225 Kimbark, Monday – Thursday between 8 am and 4 pm, 225 Kimbark, second floor administration window.
  • Community Roots Midwife Collective. Car seats must be in good condition. The Midwife Collective can not accept car seats that are expired. Please email Community Roots Midwife Collective for additional details. 738 Coffman Street. (855) 664-3943.

If you need further information NOT COVERED on this web page, please call Longmont Fire Services at (303) 651-8437 or email .