Speed and Red-Light Radar Cameras - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Speed and Red Light Radar Cameras

Speeding and running red lights are among the leading causes of traffic accidents. To decrease the number and severity of crashes, the city has implemented photo radar in certain neighborhoods, streets, and school zones and photo enforcement for running red lights at busy intersections.


On November 19, 2024, a municipal ordinance approved Longmont Public Safety’s implementation of an AVIS (automated vehicle identification system) with four cameras. The number of cameras installed may increase over the program’s life.


AVIS is a Colorado term for automated speed photo enforcement. An AVIS is, as defined by C.R.S. 42-4-110.5, is an automated vehicle identification (AVI) system; a machine used to automatically detect a violation of traffic regulations and simultaneously record a photograph of the vehicle and the license plate of the vehicle. This AVIS system is a temporary, mobile, and/or permanent system used to detect speeding violations.


You will know when you are entering a speed or red-light location as each intersection is marked clearly with signs to alert drivers that cameras are in use ahead.


Longmont can place automated speed photo enforcement cameras in residential, construction zones, school zones or in any of the following locations within the city limits:


  • Main Street or Highway 287
  • Pace Street
  • Ken Pratt Boulevard or Highway 119
  • Hover Road (N. 95th Street)
  • Airport Road (N. 87th Street)
  • 17th Avenue
  • Mountain View Avenue
  • 11th Avenue
  • 9th Avenue
  • 3rd Avenue
  • Pike Road
  • 21st Avenue
  • 23rd Avenue


These cameras are subject to relocation within the Longmont city limits.


Required Community Notifications

The City of Longmont 30-day community announcement was first issued on February 13, 2025.


The system will be installed on or after March 16, 2025. Only warnings for violations will be issued for the first thirty days the system is in use. Fines for speed violations will be issued beginning 31 days after the system is installed.


Regulations for Radar Cameras

Municipal Code numbers related to speed and radar cameras.

  • 11.05.010 – 11.05.080 Automated Vehicle Identification System


How the Safety Cameras Work

A red-light running violation occurs when a motorist ENTERS an intersection AFTER the traffic signal has turned red.


The system activates when motion is detected just prior to the stop bar AFTER the traffic signal has turned red. The cameras capture two images of an alleged violation, taken from the rear of the vehicle and one image taken from the front of the vehicle.


  • Cameras record a digital video of the violation, including footage prior to and after running the red light.
  • The images will show the vehicle at the white stop bar and the illuminated red light.
  • The license plate image is a close-up from one of the images captured.
  • Data, including the time and date are also recorded.
  • Cameras also record digital video of the violation, including six seconds prior to and six seconds after running the red light.


If you do receive a violation, you will be able to view it here: (check back when the system goes live)

You can pay the ticket for the violation here: (check back when the system goes live)


You think you ran a red light or were speeding, now what?


Camera Radar/Red Light citations are issued by Sensys Gatso, a Longmont contractor.


The City of Longmont Municipal Court processes any cases filed by local law enforcement which includes Camera Radar/Red Light violations. To contact Longmont Municipal Court email or call (303) 774-4804.



  • Who is the city contracting with for this program? The city has contracted with Sensys Gatso, who will provide administrative oversight for the program.
  • What is the cost of a ticket? $40 for speeding, $80 for speeding a construction zone of school zone, $75 for red light violation.
  • Are any points assessed against your license? Based on the current state law, there are no points assessed on your driver’s license for Camera Radar/Red Light citation unless your alleged speed is 25 miles or more over the speed limit. If your speed was more than 25 miles over the speed limit, you will be cited with a 6-point speeding citation and given an arraignment date to appear in court. A court appearance is mandatory for six-point speeding citation.
  • How much money does this program cost the taxpayers? The road safety camera program is set up to be fully funded through fines paid by red-light runners. Taxpayers are not being asked to pay for this system. According to the Federal Highway Administration, by reducing crashes, red-light safety cameras annually save communities $39,000 to $50,000 in collision-related expenses per location.
  • How are red-light camera intersections determined? Intersections throughout the city are carefully reviewed to determine which intersections would enhance safety the most with red light cameras. Intersections were not selected simply on highest volume or highest crash data, they were selected based on a combination of factors that not only included the number of crashes, but the severity of crashes. Tickets are sent to the registered owner.
  • If the camera flashes, am I getting a ticket? Cameras can flash for a number of reasons. All-flash incidents do not equal a citation.


Statistics for Speed Cameras

Period of TimeCitations IssuedCrash DataRevenue
March 2025 – June 2025TBATBATBA
July 2025 – Dec. 2025TBATBATBA
January 2026 – June 2026TBATBATBA

Should you have further questions regarding AVIS, please email or call (303) 651-8424. We would be happy to connect you with those best suited to answer your questions about this system.

(Community notice posted 2/13/25)