Landscape Conversion
Departments » Departments N-Z » Water
Stormwater & Drainage
Program Goals and Services
- Protect people, property and infrastructure from flooding and its impacts.
- Develop master plans for drainage basins in the city.
- Develop floodplain maps with specific information about the flooding risk in each basin.
- Rehabilitate and improve existing stormwater facilities that are aging or reaching the end of their design-life.
- Issue Floodplain Development Permits to manage development within the regulated or effective floodplain.
- Work on drainage improvement projects that are designed and prioritized to provide cost-effective flood protection.
- Projects are financed through monthly residential and business stormwater rates.
- Work to protect and maintain the quality of streams, rivers and other vital water resources including irrigation ditches.
- Longmont's stormwater drainage system connects directly to the St. Vrain Creek, protecting stormwater quality keeping our waterways healthy and preserving wildlife habitat.
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