Stormwater Construction Activity Permit
A Stormwater Construction Activity Permit (SCAP) from the City of Longmont is required for all activities that disturb one or more acres of land, are a part of a ‘Common Plan of Development’, or which could have a detrimental effect on the environment and public health.
All construction sites must use stormwater control measures to prevent pollutants from entering the City of Longmont’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). All sites must comply with any applicable federal, state and local regulations. It is the developer’s responsibility to identify and obtain all permits prior to the start of any construction activity. Erosion control associated with a building permit is the responsibility of the building permittee.
SPC Drawings are typically submitted and reviewed during the development review process in conjunction with the Public Improvement Plans (PIP), Site Plan, or other “For Construction” plans. They outline all stormwater control measures that must be implemented on a project site – from before construction begins and extending through final stabilization and project termination. SPC drawings must be provided with all SCAP applications. The City of Longmont requires that General Notes be included with all SPC drawings. Details for control measures should be from Mile High Flood District’s Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3, Chapter 7.