Library Programs & Events
March 1 - College Application Strategies
Join Professor Emerita Manette Ansay for tips on building compelling applications through academic enrichments, summer experiences, activities and more. We’ll also cover creating college lists that are the right academic, social and financial fit.
Feb. 23 - Gardening Fair
Our 4th annual Gardening Fair is a wonderful time to connect with local organizations and businesses to learn more about Front Range gardening, ask questions, and start planning. Take home six free seed packets from our free Free Seed Library!
Feb. 27 - College Financial Aid Basics with FRCC
Learn about different types of aid including the FAFSA, CAFSA, grants, and work study programs – plus, how to apply for all of them. There will be time for discussion and questions. Snacks will be provided.
No matter what you’re in to — books, crafts, author talks, practicing a new language, playing games — the Longmont Library has events for everyone from birth to 99 years old! Click on the buttons below to view events and programs for a specific age group or view the full calendar of events for the Library.
All the Library’s programs are free unless otherwise noted thanks to the generous funding provided by the Friends of the Longmont Library.
If you require reasonable accommodation to attend a program, please contact the Library at 303-651-8470 at least two weeks prior to the event.
Computer & Tech Classes
Learn software, social media, online tools and more during the Library's free classes.
Outreach Programs
The Longmont Library is coming to place near you! Check out all the Library's outreach programming.
ELL (English Language Learning)
Browse Library events created specifically for anyone learning the English language.