This Week in Longmont – June 19, 2020
This Week in Longmont – June 19, 2020
City Denies Permit for Fireworks Show
The City of Longmont has determined that it will not be able to create a health and safety plan that would meet Boulder County Health’s guidelines for the annual fireworks show. The Longmont city manager stated that “While we are all saddened that we won’t be able to enjoy a firework display this year, we recognize that we are all in this together. We are making these tough decisions in order to preserve the health of our community and to promote continued economic recovery for our businesses.” Read the news release.
Some Recreation Facilities Now Open
Sunset Pool, Centennial Pool and the Recreation Center are open by reservation and prepayment only. Guests must follow COVID-19 best practices, including wearing a face covering when not in the water or actively exercising and maintaining social distance. For more information and to reserve your time, visit bit.ly/RecGuidelines.
If They Leave the Ground, They’re Illegal!
If your fireworks leave the ground, they’re illegal. Please allow police and fire to focus on priority calls for service, and be considerate of neighbors, veterans and pets. Do the right thing and do not set off illegal fireworks! For more information on local fireworks regulations visit LongmontColorado.gov and search “fireworks.”
Tight Times? LEAP Into Utility Bill Help
If you’ve fallen behind on home energy bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) can help keep the lights on and the air-conditioning running. Qualifying households can get assistance making their payments from LEAP or from Energy Outreach Colorado’s Bill Payment Assistance Program. Learn more at EnergyOutreach.org/programs or call 1-866-432-8435.
Summer Brings New Electric Rates
It’s time for new summer electric rates from Longmont Power & Communications to help cover the added cost of higher electric demand and encourage energy efficiency. The summer rates, which remain among the lowest in Colorado, will appear on utility bills from July through October. Find more rate information at bit.ly/LPC-Rates under “Residential Rates” and “Commercial Rates.”
Sunset Pool Reopens Monday, June 22 on Reservation-Only Basis
Sunset Pool will reopen its doors on Monday, June 22, on a reservation-only basis. Reservations may be made online at the rec.ci.longmont.co.us activity registration portal by selecting the “COVID” category from the search options, or use the friendly quicklink https://bit.ly/sunsetcovid to find available reservations. There will be no admittance without a reservation. Due to capacity limitations, reservations must be made for all ages, including small children. Reservations can be made online beginning Thursday, June 18, at 9 am.
Longmont Recreation Offers Exclusive Workout Hours for Adults 55+
Longmont Recreation’s St. Vrain Memorial Building facility at Roosevelt Park will open the weight room to older adults ages 55 and up on a reservation-only basis on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 am to 11 am. Read more.
Efficiency Works Store Open for Business
The online Efficiency Works Store has reopened with a fresh new look and the same great mission: to help you save energy, save water and save money with a wide variety of rebated items for your home. Visit EfficiencyWorksStore.com to find LED lightbulbs, smart thermostats, water-saving shower heads, and more.
Let Your Lawn Grow
Everyone’s hair has grown a little longer; let your grass grow longer, too. In the high heat of the summer, cutting your lawn too short can stress the grass and impact root growth. Cut your lawn at 3” to 3.5” this summer to grow a healthier lawn that needs less water to thrive. Find more waterwise tips at bit.ly/sustainability-longmont.
Seeking Sustainability Ambassadors
Learn new job skills and contribute to Longmont’s sustainability and community resilience as a SOLL Sustainability Ambassador performing cost-saving eco-upgrades for Longmont residents. This program is being launched this summer in three Longmont neighborhoods. Free training, education, and health and safety wear are provided. For details visit bit.ly/longmontsoll, email SOLL@LongmontColorado.gov, or call 303-774-3540.