As Longmont continues to grow, the City must focus on transportation that serves everyone.
The City of Longmont’s 21st Ave & Main St Multimodal Improvements Project will study the intersection at Main St and 21st Ave in an effort to improve the intersection for all users. The study will identify upgrades to safety and connectivity at this intersection with an emphasis on improved pedestrian and bicycle access.
This project will benefit the community by providing a safer and more comfortable intersection at Main St and 21st Ave in the northern part of the city.
Community outreach activities will include pop-up events, online surveys and a community meeting.
- Public Outreach Phase #1: Introduce the project and gather public feedback on personal experiences and goals / ideas regarding the project, study area and potential designs.
- Public Outreach Phase #2: Gather public feedback on the intersection design concepts as well as the evaluation criteria that will be used to select the final design for the project.
- Public Outreach Phase #3: Present the results of the design concept evaluation and the chosen intersection design.
Through an online survey and two events, we received nearly 700 responses from the community!
This is what we heard:
- The 21st Ave. and Main St. intersection is not working well for drivers, pedestrians or bicyclists.
- 81% of survey respondents who walk/roll and 79% who bicycle/scoot feel “very unsafe” or “unsafe” when crossing the intersection.
- WHY? Crossing times are short, crosswalks are long and not protected, sidewalks are narrow and close to the street, cars speed and do not yield to pedestrians, and bicycle facilities are disconnected.
- Drivers noted a need for protected left turn arrows on 21st Ave. They also expressed confusion about street layout with curvy lanes, uneven surfaces and a lack of one-way signage.
- Responses expressed support for the following future improvements:
- Protected intersection
- Raised crosswalks
- Pedestrian refuge islands
- Bicycle lanes across the intersection
- Removal of channelized right-turn lanes
When safety improvements are made, community members hope to drive less and safely walk, roll, bicycle and scoot more in the future.