Adult Sports

Longmont Recreation Adult Sports
Longmont Recreation Services provides a wide variety of athletic programs for all ages, including class and camp instruction, youth and adult sports leagues. Get registered today for adult flag football, kickball, basketball, volleyball, and softball leagues. Joining a sports league as a free agent is the perfect way to make new friends. Or, if you have a squad of dedicated players, register your whole team today.
If you need assistance registering, please call 303-774-4800.
Register for Adult Basketball
Longmont Recreation Services offers year-round Adult Recreational and Leisure Basketball Leagues. Team and individual (Free Agent) registration is available online or in person.
- Review the Rule Information on this page, download the Roster Form and download the Add-Drop Form (if needed), and a team entry form (see the last page of the Registration Packet), or
- Pick-up a packet at the Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Road.
- Register as a Free Agent online.
- Register a Team online.
Leagues Available
- Women’s 4v4 league plays on Sunday evenings at the Longmont Recreation Center.
- 5v5 adult leisure league plays year-round on Thursdays at the Longmont Recreation Center.
League team fee includes up to 5 or 9 players (see league details below). Two payment option adds $15 to league pricing. Late registrations accepted with an additional $15 fee. Register early for best pricing.
View game schedules and standings.
2024 Winter League
- Registration – Early Nov-early Jan
- League play – Mid Jan- Mid Mar
- Fee -visit registration links at top of page for current league and free agent pricing
Program questions? Contact Jes.
Days & Location of play
Thursdays evenings at the Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Phone Numbers & Contact Information
- Longmont Recreation Center registration line: 303-774-4700
- Longmont Recreation Center front desk: 303-774-4800
- Sports Office: 303-774-3527,
Registration sign up is done by team or by free agent. Registration is accepted until one week prior to the season or until filled, whichever comes first. The Adult Basketball League is recreational in nature. If there are an ample amount of teams registered in a season, the division may be spilt into upper or lower divisions and/or tournament brackets.
The Recreation Program Administrators will enforce proper classification of teams and/or player(s) and have the discretion of moving or placing a team in a division deemed appropriate. If the Game Officials notice that a team and/or player(s) are too skilled for the level of play that they are in, they will notify the Recreation Program Administrators. A team may move up or down accordingly or remove select players that are obviously in the wrong division.
Team registration requires submitting a team roster listing players, coaches, and/or manager. Rosters submitted at time of registration may include only names (but can include all information/signatures). If needed, rosters can be completed and signed as late as before game time at the field.
No Team will be accepted into the league until registered with a completed team roster and all appropriate fees have been received by Longmont Recreation.
Team registration have the option to do a split-payment: pay half of the registration fee at sign up with an additional $15 convenience fee added to the team total. Team fees must be paid in full prior to the third week of the season. If fees are not paid in full by the deadline, the team will be imposed a forfeit for each game scheduled until the balance is paid in full. It is the sole responsibility of the Team Manager for all team payments and they will not be eligible to play in any City of Longmont Sports league until all fees are paid in full.
Register as a team online. Sign up as a free agent and be combined with others to form a team.
Payments are accepted online, in person at the Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd, or over the phone at 303-774-4700.
General Adult Basketball Policies
The City of Longmont Recreation reserves the right to change any and all rules, regulations and policies whenever due cause warrants a change. When a change is made, all managers of teams affected by such a change will be notified immediately. All league rules will be enforced by Recreation Program Administrators, Game Officials and/or Longmont Recreation Center Staff.
All managers are responsible for the information contained in this manual, as well as, any other information that is emailed or distributed by the Recreation Program Administrators. Managers are responsible for sharing all information with team participants.
The purpose of this league, sponsored by the City of Longmont Recreation, is to combine the interest of basketball teams in the community, to provide friendly competition, and regulate fair play. Any questions concerning basketball schedules, standings, game results, rosters, officials, rule interpretations, or any other concerns not stated, should be directed to the Recreation Program Administrators through the Sports Office at 303-774-3527 or
Recreation Staff Responsibilities
- Provide a schedule of games (regular season, weather cancellations and end-of-season tournament).
- Provide a game ball and score sheets.
- Provide at least one referee and gym supervisor.
- Provide all necessary personnel to handle maintenance and other duties as needed.
- Keep a record of all games played.
- Handle all misconduct situations within the guidelines stated in the “Code of Conduct”.
Team Manager Responsibilities
- Inform all team members of the information contained in this manual and/or any other material provided by the Recreation Program Administrators.
- Inform all team members of game times, dates, and locations.
- Insure that all team members are recorded on and have signed their official roster. Players are not allowed to be on more than one roster per division per season.
- Monitor roster, including changes and additions throughout the season.
- Inform Recreation Program Administrators of any questions, concerns, or comments.
- Be responsible for the actions of the team while participating.
- Notify the Recreation Program Administrator of any changes to team manager information.
- Be aware of all information provided by the athletics staff (make-up schedules, tournament information, league standings, etc).
- Follow all league rules as stated, including code of conduct.
- See that your line-up is turned in to the table ten minutes before game time with the first name, last initial, and number of each player competing.
- Notify Recreation Program Administrators or Game Officials of forfeits.
Eligibility Rules
All players must be eighteen (18) years of age to participate in Adult Basketball. The league is open to all genders and play may occur without any minimum number of gender on the court.
Current year interscholastic high school and college basketball players are not eligible for City of Longmont league play nor is anyone playing in a semi-pro league, whether in season or not.
Before a player is eligible to participate in the league, they must officially be listed on the team roster. Players may not participate on more than on team in the same division/league.
Team Rosters
An Illegal Player is one who is not on the team’s roster and who has not been officially added to a team’s roster. If a player is found to be illegal, then the team they are playing with will forfeit the games in which the illegal player has participated in; and the manager will be suspended for one week/game.
Players should always have a photo I.D. available for identification at games. Roster checks may be done by gym supervisors without notice. A game may be finished if a player is missing their ID pending submission of their ID to the Sports Office within one (1) business day.
One-time Player: after the midway point in the season (which is the 4th or 5th game depending on the season), teams wishing to add a player for only one game may do so only to avoid a forfeit or to reach a maximum of 6 players for the night. One time add-ons may only be added to reach the player limit or for injury, not to replace an ejection. One time players will not be listed on the team’s official roster.
The one-time player fee is $10 per player per game, payable at the Longmont Recreation Center front desk or online as guest or part of a registered household; proof of payment should be provided to Game Officials. Forms can be obtained from the gym supervisor. Managers must present the signed form (completed on site) and proof of payment to the gym supervisor before the start of the game.
Game Forfeits
Game time is forfeit time. A team must have four (4) players present and ready to start the game. If only three (3) players are present at game time, and the 4th player comes within five (5) minutes after game time, the game can be played using a 15 minute 1st half. No recreation staff will be used AND conduct rules are in effect if the game is a forfeit for any reason.
No Show/No Call Forfeits: If a team unable to participate in a scheduled game, the team manager should inform Recreation Staff as a courtesy to the opposing team and Game Officials. If a team fails to call or show for two scheduled games, the team will be removed from the league without refund.
Acceptable notification is a call/voicemail or email message to the Recreation Program Administrator through the Sports Office at 303-774-3527 or before 5:00 PM on the day of a game. If after 5:00 PM, team managers should call the Longmont Recreation Center at 303-774-4800 AND speak to a Staff member so they can notify Game Officials of a game forfeit that evening.
Once a team manager has forfeited a game, the decision cannot be reversed.
Each team must have matching or similar colored shirts or jerseys, with non-duplicating (six-inch) numbers on the back, for all games. Taped numbers are not allowed.
Free Agent teams will be given a two-week grace period to produce their own shirts/jerseys must have them by their 3rd game.
Recreation Services will provide pull-over numbered mesh shirts if two teams have similar colored jerseys.
Loaner jerseys will be available for players who do not have a jersey but no more than 2 players per team may check out and wear a loaner jersey (except for free agents teams during the grace period).
Standings/Tie Breaker Criteria
Standings will be determined by win/loss percentage. If at the end of league play two or more teams are tied for any place, the following procedure will be utilized to determine who qualifies for the higher seed for the tournament:
- Head-to-head play between tied teams
- Point differential between those teams if head-to-head play was also a tie (meaning these teams played each other more than once)
- If two teams are still tied,
- A team who has forfeited any league game automatically loses the tie-breaker.
- The tie is broken by a greater point differential vs. higher ranked teams in descending order (over season).
- A coin toss will determine which team shall be the higher seed.
- If more than two teams are tied, but do not play an equal number of games against one another, the tie is broken by taking the win/loss percentage of the games played amongst those teams only. Whichever team has the highest win/loss percentage takes the highest seed. Second highest seed is then determined by head-to-head play by the remaining teams.
League winners receive t-shirts. Tournament winners receive a team trophy.
- Player Conduct: players are responsible for maintaining standards of good sportsmanship all times. Profanity, drinking, abusive language, disrespect and physical violence will not be tolerated; violators will be removed from the game and asked to leave the gym.
- Supervision of children at Adult League games is the responsibility of the parents. Longmont Recreation assumes no liability in case of an accident or injury. If a child is persistently out-of-control, and at any time delays the progress of a game, the parent must remove the child from the building immediately. Games will be stopped and the clock will continue to run, until the matter is handled. All children must remain in the gym and be seated in the stands.
- Blood Rule: A player who has any visible blood flow must be removed from the game. Before re-entering:
- blood flow must be stopped,
- wound(s) must be covered, and
- any portion of the uniform that has blood on it must be changed. Replacement jerseys do not have to be of similar color nor do they have to have a number.
- Team Managers: The team manager listed on the team roster will be the only person to act as such and is the only person that should communicate with the Game Officials and Recreation Program Administrators during and outside of games. If the team manager is absent, a substitute or replacement must be named. Please notify the Recreation Program Administrators of changes.
A game protest can only be made when it is felt that there has been a misinterpretation of the rules.
Differences of opinion about the official’s judgment do not constitute grounds for a protest.
The manager and/or coach of the protesting team shall immediately notify the game officials, scorekeeper and opposing coach that the game is being continued under protest. A formal protest must be submitted to the Recreation Services Athletics office at the Longmont Recreation Center before 5:00 p.m. of the first working day after the game. The Recreation Program Administrator will have the final decision as to whether the protest should be upheld.
NO PROTEST WILL BE CONSIDERED unless it contains the following information:
- Date, time and place of game.
- All essential facts involved in the protest situation.
- $50.00 protest fee (fee will be refunded only if protest is upheld).
Adult Basketball Game Rules
Current NFHS high school rules will govern play with the following exceptions:
- Games are two (2), twenty-minute running halves, with a five (5) minute half time break.
- The clock will stop the last three (3) minutes of the second half if there is a difference of ten (10) points or less, or any time thereafter that the score becomes ten (10) points or less.
- Each team has two (2) one-minute time-outs per half and one (1) time-out for each overtime period. Time-outs are not cumulative.
- A jump ball is used to start the game. After the initial jump ball, teams will alternate possession on each “jump ball” situation.
- During a free throw, no player can enter the lane until the ball has left the shooter’s hand.
- Any player receiving a flagrant foul (where an opposing player may be harmed) will be ejected from the game and will not be allowed to play in the next scheduled game. The opposing team is awarded two (2) points and the ball. If a player receives an intentional foul the opposing team is awarded two (2) points and the ball.
- Any player receiving an unsportsmanlike technical foul (this includes using foul language) will be required to sit out three (3) minutes of the running game clock and the opposing team is awarded two (2) foul shots and the ball.
- A player given a second unsportsmanlike technical foul is ejected from the game being played and the team’s next scheduled game. Two (2) minutes are allowed for an ejected player to remove themselves from the designated contest area or the game is a forfeit. Any player or manager given an unsportsmanlike technical foul for fighting (pushing, shoving, punching, kicking, etc.) another player will be suspended for the remainder of season at minimum, and up to a calendar year.
- If a team receives an accumulation of three (3) unsportsmanlike technical fouls in a game, the game is a forfeit. Any individual player/coach who receives five (5) technical fouls in a calendar year is suspended for one (1) calendar year.
- Return to Play Fee: participants ejected from play, must pay $25 (for 1st Ejection in season) or $50 (2nd Ejection in season) in order to return to play. Payments are accepted online as either or guest or part of a registered household, and at the Longmont Recreation Center front desk; proof of payment should be provided to Game Officials.
- Players are allowed five (5) personal fouls per game before being disqualified from the game.
- In case of a tie, a three (3) minute (stop clock) overtime period is played. No game will end in a tie.
- Dunking is allowed during a game in a live ball situation. A player may hang on the rim only as a safety measure to avoid falling on or colliding with another player – this is a judgment call. Stuffing or dunking the ball, hanging on the rim and/or net IS NOT ALLOWED any time prior to the game or at half-time; the effect is that the player is assessed an unsportsmanlike technical foul.
Adult Kickball 8v8 Coed League
Tuesday nights at Garden Acres Park…Get a kick out of the City of Longmont’s Adult Kickball leagues. Play 8 games in the Spring, Summer and Fall seasons, perfect social experience for your company team or a group of friends. The game is played between two teams of 8 players that consist of at least 4 female and 4 male players. It is fun, a little crazy and best of all people of all athletic ability find kickball to be a fun and engaging sport! Must be 16 years or older to participate.
Are you an individual or small group that isn’t quite enough to form a team? Register as a free agent, we’ll get you connected. Enroll as a free agent online. Free agents are individuals who wish to play but are not yet part of an established team.
League Registration
- Download Registration Packet (contains the League Rules and Application Form )
- Download the Team Application Form
- Download the Roster Form
Register your team online or by calling 303-774-4800.
Fall League 2024 – TBA
- Early-Bird registration deadline:
- League registration deadline:
- League dates: Tuesday Nights
- League fee:
- Split payment option: Registration fee includes as $15 convenience fee – due half way through the season.
- Free Agent fee:
- Location: Garden Acres Park, 2058 Spencer St
- View current game schedule and standings.
Program Questions? Contact us
Look for adult pickleball options on our registration website. Programs are available for both youth and adults.
Athletics Rain Out Line: 303-774-4400
Longmont Recreation Services offers spring, summer, and fall adult softball programs with men, women, and coed leagues for ages 16+. Softball league registrations are accepted online or by calling 303-774-4800. Don’t have a team? Free agents are for those individuals without a team. Free agents will be combined to form a team (typically Friday Coed L).
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Women’s R |
Men’s L |
Men’s E |
Men’s E |
Coed E |
Men’s R |
Men’s R |
Coed R |
Coed R |
Coed L |
How to determine which league is best for your team:
City League E – Competitive (2 more home runs than the other team, all others outs)
Best for teams wanting the best competition. Established teams with most players having several years of playing experience.
City League R – Recreational (1 home run per game, all others out)
Best for teams wanting some fun and some competition. Teams are comprised of players with a broad range of playing experience. Depending on the number of teams, this division may be divided by abilities: R1, R2
City League L – Leisure (no home runs, the inning is ended)
Best for teams wanting enjoyment and not worried about wins or losses. Teams are comprised mostly of players with some knowledge of the game and little playing experience. Depending on the number of teams, this division may be divided by abilities: L1, L2, etc.
View League Schedules and Standings.
Fall League
Fall League Dates: Games start mid-August
Team Fees: Visit the Registration website for details as they become available.
For more information, contact Jes at 303-651-8405.
Softball – Rule Information
Softball Packet Information
General information about Longmont Softball Leagues including policies, rules of play, and player code of conduct.
Days of Play
- Mondays: Women’s R
- Tuesdays: Men’s L
- Wednesdays: Men’s E, Men’s R
- Thursdays: Men’s E, Men’s R, Coed R
- Fridays: Coed E, Coed R, Coed L
Phone Numbers
- Weather Line: 303-774-4400
- Longmont Recreation Center: 303-774-4800
Registration sign up is done by team or by free agent. Registration is accepted until one week prior to the season or until filled, whichever comes first.
Team registration requires submitting a team roster listing players, coaches, and/or manager. Rosters submitted at time of registration may include only names (but can include all information/signatures). If needed, rosters can be completed and signed as late as before game time at the field.
No Team will be accepted into the league until registered with a completed team roster and all appropriate fees have been received by Longmont Recreation.
Team registration have the option to do a split-payment: pay half of the registration fee at sign up with an additional $15 convenience fee added to the team total. Team fees must be paid in full prior to the third week of the season. If fees are not paid in full by the deadline, the team will be imposed a forfeit for each game scheduled until the balance is paid in full. It is the sole responsibility of the Team Manager for all team payments and they will not be eligible to play in any City of Longmont Sports league until all fees are paid in full.
Sign up as a free agent and be combined with others to form a team.
No payments are accepted at the ball fields. Payments are accepted online, in person at the Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd, or over the phone at 303-774-4700.
General Adult Softball Policies
The Adult Softball Program is sponsored and supervised by the City of Longmont Recreation Services. The City of Longmont reserves the right to change any and all rules, regulations, and policies whenever due cause warrants a change or interpretation (i.e., the letter of the league rules is not designed to preempt the spirit of league rules). When a change is made, all managers of teams affected by such a change will be notified as quickly as possible.
All league rules will be enforced by the program supervisor, field supervisors, umpires, and scorekeepers and interpreted by the Athletics Committee (Program Supervisor, Athletics Specialist and Field Supervisor(s)).
Recreation Services reserves the right to place teams in leagues to create balanced competition. In order to continue to provide even competition within the leagues, teams finishing 1st or 2nd in their respective league in the previous season may be required to move up one division when registering for the subsequent season (minimum 5 players from the previous team remain on the team).
All managers are responsible for the information contained in this manual, as well as any other information that is mailed or distributed by the Athletics Office. Managers are responsible for sharing all information in this manual with team participants. Team Managers are held responsible for team fees.
The purpose of the league sponsored by the Longmont Recreation Services is to combine the interest of men’s, women’s and coed softball teams in the community and to provide friendly competition and clean sportsmanship.
Any questions concerning softball schedules, standings, game results, rosters, umpires, rule interpretations, or other concerns not stated here but that have to do with the City of Longmont Adult Softball Program should be directed to the Athletics Office.
All bats must have the USSSA Thumbprint – no exceptions. USSSA stickers are not acceptable.
Recreation Services Responsibilities
- Provide a schedule of games (regular season and rain-outs).
- Provide game balls and line up cards
- Provide at least one umpire and field supervisor.
- Provide all necessary field/facility maintenance and other duties as needed.
- Keep a record of all games played.
- Handle all misconduct situations within the guidelines stated in the “Code of Conduct”
Team Manager Responsibilities
- All teams registered in City of Longmont adult softball leagues are required to attend the mandatory Team Managers meeting the first season they register to play. If the Team Manager cannot attend, they may send a representative to the meeting. If a team is not represented at the meeting the first game on their schedule will be a forfeit.
- Inform all team members of the information contained in this manual or any material provided by the Athletics Office including game times, dates, and locations.
- Insure that all team members are recorded on official roster including changes to team manager’s info
- Monitor roster, including changes and additions throughout the season.
- Inform Athletics Office of any questions, concerns, or comments.
- Provide line-up with names/numbers to the umpire with last name, first initial and numbers.
- Follow all league rules as stated.
- Be responsible for the actions of the team while participating.
- Be responsible for full payment of team fees.
- Be aware of all information posted at the ball fields to include rain-out schedules, tournament information, and league standings.
Team Rosters
- A player must sign the team roster before they are eligible to participate.
- A complete team roster is required by all teams. Roster size is limited to sixteen (16) players. (Specialty softball offerings may have different roster size limitations). Teams wishing to include more than 16 players on a team roster must pay an additional $13 per player fee beyond 16 players.
- All players must be on a roster. Information must be complete and include the first and last name of each player, email, phone number, birth date and signature (no nicknames). Teams wishing to add, drop or transfer players must use the official add/drop form provided by the Recreation Services office.Rosters are open until the last two weeks of the season (up to 16 players). Teams needing to add players must be approved by the Program Supervisor. Players being added to a roster must sign the add form or original roster prior to submission to the Field Supervisor. After rosters are frozen, teams may only add players in order to avoid forfeits.
- One Time Player Addition: Teams wishing to add a player for only one game may do so only to avoid a forfeit or to reach a 10 player limit. Managers must provide signed form and fee to the field supervisor before the start of their game. One time add-ons may only be added after the start of the game to reach the 10 player limit or for injury – they cannot be used to replace an ejection. Added players cannot currently be playing in the same league of the team they are requesting to play with, nor be playing in any division higher than the request.
- Players must have a photo ID available for identification at all games. Roster checks can be done by field supervisors without notice.Any team found guilty of playing an illegal player will be charged with a forfeit if the opposing manager catches the offense. The offending player will be ineligible until they are added to the team roster AND will be suspended for one game. In addition, the offending coach/manager will receive a one game suspension.An illegal player discovered by City staff (before or at the beginning of the game) will have the option of using the one-time add form or forfeiting the game (with the previously stated penalties).A game may be finished if a player is missing their ID pending submission of their ID to the athletics office within 2 business days. Non submission of proof of ID will result in forfeit for the offending team with all previously stated penalties.
Eligibility Rules
- All players must be sixteen (16) years of age or older.
- Any player, coach, manager, or spectator who is ejected from a game is automatically ineligible for that team’s next game and all league play for one week (in the case of a spectator, they are not allowed to attend games for next 7 days). Any player, coach, manager or spectator who is ejected from two (2) games will be suspended from all league play (or attendance in the case of a spectator) for the remainder of the season pending review by the athletics rules committee.
- Playing on two teams within a league, on the same night of play, is not allowed. R league teams may have up to four (4) E league players on their roster. L league teams are not permitted to have any E league players (from any division/night) on the roster. Recreation Services reserves the right to rule on this on a case by case basis. Note: games will not be delayed to accommodate players moving to a different field.
Inclement Weather
All games canceled due to inclement weather will be rescheduled on the same league night, if possible. However, make-up games may be scheduled on weekends or different days if no other time is available. Managers will be notified of the scheduled make-up game.
The decision regarding game status is as follows:
- Prior to 3:30 pm: Decision made by Athletics Maintenance staff
- Between 3:30 and 5:30pm: Decision made by Recreation Services staff
- After 5:30pm: Decision made by Field Supervisor
Weather Line: (303) 774-4400
League Offerings
Longmont Recreation Services will enforce proper classification of teams and/or player(s). If a facility supervisor notices that a team and/or player(s) is too skilled for the level of play they are at and/or presents a safety hazard, they will notify the Athletics Office. Staff may move teams up or down accordingly or remove select players that are obviously in the wrong league. Depending on the number of teams, this division will be divided by abilities: L1, L2, etc.
- All players should have similar colored jerseys. A t-shirt is an appropriate jersey. If a player does not have a similar colored jersey, they may be subject to an ID check before they can play.
- Tennis shoes, plastic or soft rubber cleats only. Metal cleats, street shoes, boots, sandals, crocs or bare feet are not permitted.
- A safety mask for pitchers and catchers is recommended but not required.
- Equipment (bats, gloves, mitts, catcher’s gear, uniforms, etc.), must be furnished by the team. All bats must comply with USSSA rules regarding legal bats (refer to
- Jewelry consisting of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pins, watches, rings, or any other exposed items that are judged to be hazardous or potentially dangerous by the umpire cannot be worn during the game. A warning shall be given to both teams prior to the beginning of the game. The decision of the umpire is final.
- If a player shows up in the batter box with jewelry that is deemed hazardous by the umpire, they will be asked again to remove the jewelry within 10 seconds.
- If the jewelry is not removed within 10 seconds, strike one will be awarded.
- Another 10 seconds and the player will be called out on strikes.
Additional Rules
- Zero Tolerance: Profanity, abusive language, taunting, obscene gestures, and physical violence will not be tolerated. Any player, coach, or spectator using any type of foul language or taunting of any kind to an umpire, supervisor, scorekeeper, or any other player, coach, or spectator, will be ejected from the game and, if necessary, from the league.
- ALCOHOL IS NOT PERMITTED in any City park INCLUDING parking lots.
- Smoking is not allowed in the dugout or on the playing field at any time. Penalty may be forfeit of the game in progress.
- Glass containers are prohibited in City parks.
- Players and spectators are requested to refrain from bringing their dogs to the ball fields. Dogs shall not be left unattended, tied, or without a leash.
- Do not hit balls into any fences or backstops.
- Infield practice is not allowed on the dirt portion of the infield before or between games.
- The supervision of children at the park is the responsibility of the parents.
- Any team or individuals of a team misusing the park facilities may result in that team being dropped from the league with no refund of fees.
Specific Game Rules
USSSA rules will govern play with the following exceptions:
Line Up:
Managers must have line-up card completed and given to umpire at start of game. The line-up should include first and last name. All players in the line-up must bat. There are no limits to where players may be placed defensively.
At game time, if a team has not turned in a complete and accurate line-up, the opposing team is declared “Home Team” and will take the field to begin the game.
Any player that arrives late is placed at the end of the line-up (or in the proper position in the case of a coed team).
If a player is injured or must leave the line-up for any reason, their name will be scratched from the line-up, and will remain so for the duration of the game. There will be no out called in this situation for the player who left.
At-Bat Count:
A three ball/two strike count for all batters. The batter shall be declared out after they receive a second called strike by the home plate umpire. If the second strike is a foul ball, the batter will receive another pitch. If the next pitch is fouled off or swung at and missed, the batter will be declared out. The batter will receive a base on balls when the third ball is called.
Official Game:
Games will last seven (7) innings or 55 minutes. No new inning will begin after 50 minutes. Umpires are the time keepers. A game will be considered a complete game and no inning will be started if:
- at the completion of seven (7) innings (6½ if the home team is ahead) or 50 minutes;
- a team leads by twenty (20) runs after 3 innings (2½ if the home team is ahead) or 35 minutes;
- a team leads by fifteen (15) runs after 4 innings (3½ if the home team is ahead) or 45 minutes;
- a team leads by ten (10) runs after 5 innings (4½ if the home team is ahead) or 50 minutes or any inning thereafter
Flip-Flop Rule:
In the inning when the run rule is exceeded (10, 15 or 20 runs) and the home team is losing, the home team will remain at-bat and become the visiting team. If the team (new visiting team) does not score enough runs to reduce the run difference below the run rule the game is over. If they reduce the run difference to below the run rule, then the new home team will bat. If they subsequently score enough runs to exceed the run rule, the game will be over; if they do not, the game will continue under that format. If the situation reverses, the teams would flip/flop again.
If a game has to be called due to darkness or inclement weather, the game is considered complete after four (4) complete (3½ if the home team is ahead) innings. If a game is postponed before it can be considered a complete game, the game will be made up from the point of suspension. If a game is cancelled before one inning is complete, the game will re-start from the beginning.
A minimum of eight (8) players must be ready to take a defensive position at the beginning of the coin toss or their team will be required to be the visiting team. If at the conclusion of the first ½ inning the visiting team does not have 8 players, the game will be declared a forfeit. The plate umpire’s decision is final on forfeiture of any game. If a forfeit occurs, the team(s) scheduled for that field may practice until ten minutes before the scheduled start of the next game on the field. Umpires will not be utilized.
Extra Innings:
All games tied after the time or inning limit will start the first extra inning with the last player who batted in the previous inning on second base and with no outs. If after one full extra inning, the game is still tied, the last player who batted from the previous inning will start on third base. All extra innings following will start with runner on third base.
Pitchers are allowed five (5) warm up pitches for the first inning only, and one pitch per inning for the remainder of the game unless a pitching change is made.
Home Runs:
All teams must retrieve their own balls that are hit over the home run fence (whether or not they are an out or inning ending). If a team does not retrieve their home run ball in a reasonable amount of time, the umpire will warn team that their next home run will result in an out regardless of the 2 up rule (or inning over in the case of R leagues). All home runs can be “hit and sit”. All baserunners must go straight to the dugout when the home run is signaled. The batter does not need to touch first.
All players may re-enter a game, but must remain in the same spot in the batting order. There is no limit to the number of times a player can go out and re-enter a game.
Courtesy Runner:
Teams are allowed one courtesy runner per inning (last out of same gender). If the courtesy runner is on base when it is their turn to bat, it will be considered an out.
Exceptions to Courtesy Runner limitations:
- If a player must be removed from the game to adhere to the Blood Rule, they may have a courtesy runner until that player has met the requirements for re-entry.
- Persons with permanent disabilities will have the opportunity to have a courtesy runner if needed. Notify the field supervisor and umpire before the game begins.
Blood Rule:
A player who has any visible blood flow must be removed from the game. Before re-entering the game: the blood flow must be stopped and the wound must be covered and any portion of the uniform that has blood on it must be changed. Replacement jerseys do not have to have a number and do not have to be of similar color.
Tie-Breaker Procedure:
If at the end of league play, teams are tied for seeding, the following tie breakers will be used:
- Head to head competition.
- TOTAL RUNS SCORED AGAINST between tied teams only
- If teams played an uneven number of games head to head (three way or more tie), season total of RUNS AGAINST will be next tie-breaker
- In the case of a three or more way tie, if head to head runs scored against reduces the remaining teams to two, the breaker reverts back to head to head.
- Still tied, duplicate awards will be given.
Teams forfeiting any game during the season are eliminated from any tie-breaker process.
Batter’s Box:
Digging in batter’s box is not allowed. Digging is defined as pawing, clawing, or corkscrewing in the batter’s box. If in the judgment of the umpire, such an illegal action occurs, the first offense will result in an out and the second offense will result in ejection from the ball game.
Fake Tag:
Any player who uses a fake tag will be subject to ejection.
Thrown Bat:
A player is subject to ejection and charged with an out if they flagrantly throw a bat, regardless if it hits a person or not. A bat that is thrown and hits the fence will result in an ejection.
If a team is reduced from the starting number of players due to ejection, that players spot will be charged with an out each time it comes up in the order. A team may continue after one ejection with a minimum of 8 players. Any team with two ejections in a game will be declared forfeit.
USSSA Pitching Rules
The pitcher may pitch from the Pitching plate or from the Pitching Area, an area the width of the Plate and up to six (6) feet behind the Pitcher’s Plate.
Prior to pitching, the pitcher shall take a position with their pivot foot firmly on the ground and in contact with the pitching plate or pitching area. The pivot foot must be in contact with the pitchers plate or pitching area when the ball is released.
After assuming the pitching position on the pitcher’s plate or in the pitching area, the pitcher must present the ball in front of body (for at least one second) in either one or both hands before starting the delivery motion.
Pitching Lane Rules
The pitching lane is the linear trajectory from home plate to the pitching rubber. The pitching lane width will be marked and includes the width of the pitching rubber and extends 2 feet on each side of the pitching rubber, so approximately 6 feet total. The height of the pitching lane extends over a pitcher’s head, up to 8 feet from the ground.
Any hard-driven batted ball hit in the pitching lane, whether hit intentionally or unintentionally, whether in the air or on the ground, will be subject to the following actions:
- the umpire shall call a dead ball
- the batter will be called out
- base runners may not advance
- any hits deemed intentional may be subject to further consequence (ejection, suspension, etc.)
All calls are based on the judgment of the umpire. This rule is to encourage the pitcher to protect themselves from harm rather than attempt to make a play at the ball.
Coed Rule Adaptations
- A 12″ softball will be used in league play when men are at bat. An 11” softball will be used when a female is at bat. The third base coach will be responsible for rotating balls in and out of play.
- If a team has 5 males and 4 females they may play with that number by taking an out each time the missing female player’s place comes up in the line-up. Whenever a team has 5 & 4, the gender with 5 must bat first. This rule applies only to teams with 9 players.
- The batting order will alternate male/female or female/male until all males are utilized. Females may bat back to back at the end of the line up if a team is playing more females than males. No rotating or continuous batting order is allowed. MUST STICK TO LINE UP TURNED IN AT BEGINNING OF GAME – NO ROTATING GENDERS THROUGH BATTING ORDER.
- If a male walks, intentionally or otherwise, he goes to second base. The following female in the batting order has the option to walk or bat. If a female walks, intentionally or otherwise, she goes to first base. The following male in the batting order must bat.
- If a female is injured and cannot be substituted for, the manager has the following options.
- If there are more females batting at the bottom of the order, the last batter is moved up to fill the vacant spot but only if the alternating order is not disturbed.
- The batting order can remain as is, removing the female batter and not pulling out the male batter. An out is recorded each time the injured female’s spot comes up in the order.
- The team may pull one of the male batters either in front or behind the injured female’s spot to maintain the alternate batting order with no penalty.
- There are no restrictions in positioning of players in the coed division.
- All four (4) outfielders must remain behind the 175′ line until the ball is hit. All infielders must start on the dirt of the infield until the ball is hit. This applies to both male and female batters. Penalty – batter and any base-runners will be awarded one base.
5v5v5 (5’s) Rule Adaptations
- Game consists of 4 innings: 36 outs, a 50 minute time limit, and no mercy rule.
- Each team plays defense for two-thirds of an inning (6 outs) and bats 4 times. All 3 teams rotate between Outfield, Infield and At-Bat for 9 outs to complete an inning.
- Teams will be playing the other two teams concurrently with the winning team with the most runs. Games can end in a tie.
- Teams consist of 5 players but may play with as few as 4 players. No out will be assessed for missing player at plate. Max 7 players on roster.
- All extra players can bat and rotate into the fielding position as per norm.
- Hitting: If a base runner’s position in the order comes to bat, any batter not on base can replace the hitter on the base as a pinch runner. Batting order remains the same. A team bats until 3 outs are made by the combined defensive teams.
- Defense: After making 3 outs, the batting teams sends 5 players to the outfield positions (C, LF, LC, RC, RF). Once 3 outs are made, the team rotates to the infield positions (P, 1B, 2B, SS, 3B). An inning is complete after all three teams have batted.
- During even innings, the order reverses itself and batting team moves to infield, infield to outfield and outfield moves to bat. A full game consists of 4 innings – all 3 teams should play outfield, infield and bat 4 times.
- Starting the Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors will determine rotation of teams. The team that wins gets to select first, first team eliminated does not get to select position in rotation.
- Coed Rules: Rules are the same as above except a minimum of 2 of each gender are needed to start a game. All other Longmont Recreation coed softball rules apply.
- No assigned positioning defensively for male or female players
- Courtesy runners must be the same gender. If same gender is not available, opposite gender may run, but only for the runner closest to home plate.
- A protest should be made only when it is felt that there has been an infringement of the rules. Difference of opinion about the umpire’s judgment on a particular play or plays does not constitute grounds for a protest. Incident reports available if you would like to share your experience with the Athletic Office.
- Teams wishing to register a protest must make the umpires and field supervisor aware of the intent to protest PRIOR to the next pitch of the ball game or before teams have left the field if the protest-able action occurs on the last out of the game.
- A formal written or emailed protest must be submitted to Recreation Services before 5:00 pm of the next working day after the game. The Rules Committee, which consists of the on-site Field Supervisor, the Athletic Coordinator, and the Recreation Program Supervisor, will determine protest viability and any action regarding the protest concerning the offending team, player(s), and/or fans. Note: If the protest is upheld and corrected by the Field Supervisor on site, no written protest is necessary.
- Player Eligibility Protest: Opposing team managers and City of Longmont staff may question a player’s eligibility and should request a ruling from the field supervisor. If the player in question is found to be ineligible (not on a team roster or add/drop form) before or during the game, the offending player and manager will be ejected from that game and suspended from the team’s next game and a forfeit loss will also be given to the offending team.
Player Code of Conduct
- Manager: The person designated as team spokesman and the ONLY person who may discuss a decision with officials. The manager can be either a player or non-player.
- Player: Anyone who actively participates in the game, sits on the bench, or is on the roster.
- Contest Area: The area which is designated by the Athletics Staff.
- Spectator: A person who watches the games, outside of the dugout, for entertainment with no physical involvement.
- City of Longmont Activity: Any event designated or hosted by the City of Longmont Recreation Division.
- Program Administrator: The full time employee or designated individual of the City of Longmont Recreation Services directly responsible for the activity.
- Abuse: includes but not limited to obscene gestures, heckling, verbally attacking, threatening and/or laying a hand upon, shoving, hitting or striking.
No player/person shall:
- at any time abuse a Recreation employee, player or spectator. In addition, no player shall be guilty of using unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body of an opposing player.
- refuse to abide by an official’s decision or argue the officials judgment.
appear at the contest area under the influence of alcohol or drugs, nor consume alcohol or drugs during play. - A player may not smoke while on the field of play.
- Minimum penalty: removal (ejection) from further play in the game being played and suspension from all games thru the following week.
- Maximum penalty: penalty shall be determined by the Program Administrator and/or the Recreation Superintendent.
- Offenders may be suspended from further league play. Any player striking another player will be subject to a season/year suspension or possibly suspension for life depending on the severity.
Note: If a player or team obtains repeated ejections for unsportsmanlike behavior in a season or repeated seasons then this individual or team may be subject to prolonged suspension determined by the Athletics staff depending on the severity.
Two Minute Clause Shall Be In Effect
Two minutes will be allowed for an ejected or suspended player(s) to remove him/herself from the designated contest area (including the dugout). If this time limit is not met, the contest may be forfeited to the opponents. Any player continuing to cause a disruption will be asked and required to leave the park immediately.
Elasticity Clause
In order to provide for the recreational enjoyment of players, coaches, and spectators any enforcement procedures which are not stated herein may be provided by the Recreation Division as is deemed necessary.
We believe sponsors are important to the program. When deemed necessary, a letter will be sent to the teams sponsor(s) informing them of player, coach, manager, or fan misconduct or poor sportsmanship.
Drop-in Mondays – Play the Olympic sport of table tennis, better known as ping pong. Self-instruction; bring your own paddle if you have one. Children must be supervised by a parent/guardian. Open play is 6:30-9 pm on Mondays at the St Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Ave. Drop in fee is $9, and no registration is required. Questions? Call 303-651-8404.
Adult Outdoor Grass 4v4 Coed Volleyball League
Longmont offers outdoor grass 4v4 coed volleyball leagues in both Competitive and Social divisions. Register online for 4×4 leagues or at the Longmont Recreation Center before the deadline date. At least 2 women per team required. Guaranteed 6 games.
Not on a team? Register as a free agent, we’ll get you connected. All participants must be at least 16 years of age to play. All games are held at Roosevelt Park, 700 Longs Peak Avenue on Mondays. Game times start no earlier than 6pm.
Summer and Fall 2024 League
Registration deadline: Summer – May 20; Fall – Jul 18
League dates: Summer – Jun 3- Jul 15; Fall – Jul 22- Sep 9. Mondays – Roosevelt Park
Team fee: $120 – early bird (Summer May 10, Fall June 23) Regular fee: $150
Free Agent fee: $36 resident/ $44 non-resident
Email sports staff for Roster and Information packet. Contact Sports Office