URO Financial Assistance
URO Financial Assistance
The City’s intention is to work alongside the commercial business and multifamily sector to implement the Universal Recycling Ordinance. The City has received feedback from businesses that financial assistance programs would help in getting started complying with the URO. Please contact the City’s Zero Waste Coordinator at sustainability@longmontcolorado.gov or call (303) 532-7723 to discuss these financial assistance methods and the URO compliance requirements.
Zero Waste Coupons
Q: Who can apply for Zero Waste Coupons?
A: Commercial Business Property Owners and Multifamily Property Owners; whoever is paying the hauler bill for collection services.
The City of Longmont and Boulder County are committed to helping commercial businesses and multifamily properties in Longmont have financial assistance to help with compliance of Longmont’s Universal Recycling Ordinance and Waste Diversion Goals.
These Longmont specific Zero Waste Coupons are available one time only, on a first come, first serve basis until funds run out. These coupons are for businesses that commit to 1 year of NEW recycling and/or composting services within the first year of signing up for those services.
- All commercial business and multifamily properties will be able to apply for $650.
Commercial businesses that receive these funds must be a part of the Longmont Sustainable Business Program (SBP). If businesses are not already a part of this program, they will be required to sign up to join. This is a free program with the purpose of supporting and recognizing businesses in the community making substantial efforts to reduce their environmental impact, act socially responsible, and contribute to the economic vitality of Longmont. For more information on the SBP and to register for the program, visit the Sustainable Business Program website.
CAReS Program Recycling Rebates for Tenants
Q: Who can apply for CAReS Program Recycling Rebates?
A: Multifamily Tenants
Through the City’s CAReS program tenants that are enrolled in the CAReS program can apply for a one-time recycling rebate. The rebates will be issued in 2025 for those who qualified for the credit in 2024. To apply for Longmont CAReS, please visit the City’s CAReS website. For more information on the multifamily tenants interested in enrolling to receive this recycling rebate, please contact the City’s Zero Waste Coordinator at sustainability@longmontcolorado.gov or call (303) 532-7723.