Energy - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Sustainability Objective:

Increase energy efficiency and expand the use of renewable energy technologies to improve environmental quality, provide a resilient energy supply, and realize related economic benefits.

Energy is a driver of the economy and has an impact on the environment and our greenhouse gas emissions. By improving energy efficiency, transitioning to cleaner energy sources, and adopting new technologies, Longmont residents and businesses save money, enjoy improved health and wellness, and protect and preserve our valuable natural resources.

How We Achieve Our Sustainability Objective:

  • Review energy efficiency improvement and renewable energy generation opportunities for municipal facilities
  • Continue collaboration with Energy Outreach Colorado to expand energy services for low-income households
  • Improve commercial building efficiency
  • Develop a comprehensive 100% renewable energy plan for Longmont’s Just Transition to a clean energy economy
  • Report and benchmark energy use
  • Monitor advanced metering infrastructure implementation
  • Continue to provide energy efficiency outreach and incentives for all energy users
  • Monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Expand awareness and partnership opportunities for solar installations and renewable subscriptions
  • Develop and implement a Beneficial Building Electrification Plan

What You Can Do

Energy Resources

Contact Us

Office of Sustainability

(303) 774-3755

General: Email

Sustainable Business Program: Email