Sustainability Objective:
Invest in an efficient transportation system that enhances mobility, equitably supports multiple modes of transportation, reduces environmental impacts, and supports a healthier community.

The ability to get around Longmont is vital for all of us, be it travel for school, work, or play. From safe, accessible sidewalks and walking paths to dedicated bike lanes to local and regional bus routes, Longmont aims to provide residents with as many convenient, affordable, and environmentally friendly mobility options as possible.
How We Achieve Our Sustainability Objective:
- Coordinate with RTD to expand service and hours to key community locations
- Implement a fleet efficiency and alternative fuels plan
- Coordinate with regional partners on publicizing car/van pooling
- Increase electric vehicles through vehicle incentives and improved infrastructure
- Audit all transit stops to evaluate accommodation needs of residents and prioritize improvements
- Support growth in active transportation and transit ridership through implementation of the multimodal transportation plan
- Continue the Ride Free transit program
- Expand public transit through a microtransit service