Water - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Sustainability Objective:

Preserve the natural environment in our watershed and provide a reliable, high quality water supply that protects public health.

Water is not only a necessity for life, but it provides us with some of life’s greatest pleasures — a tall, cold glass of water on a hot summer day; fishing in a local pond; a relaxing shower after hard day’s work. It is also essential to agriculture and other industries in our community. Maintaining a reliable, clean water supply and protecting water quality in our watershed are key components that insure Longmont’s long-term viability.

How We Achieve Our Sustainability Objective:

  • Implement identified strategies within the water efficiency master plan
  • Analyze water loss and implement strategies for subsequent actions
  • Develop a strategic water quality improvement and enforcement plan for consecutive systems
  • Create an active watershed management program
  • Coordinate with Boulder County Public Health on model greywater (water reuse) ordinance

What You Can Do

Water Resources

Contact Us

Office of Sustainability

(303) 774-3755

General: Email

Sustainable Business Program: Email