Utilities - City of Longmont Skip to main content

The Longmont City Council has approved an update to Longmont’s water rates in order to continue providing reliable, high-quality service to the community. This will affect water rates in 2025-2027 and would also provide additional rebates for Longmont CAReS recipients.


These rates remain competitive with other Front Range communities and will also allow Longmont to:

  • Replace aging infrastructure, and support the utility operations, maintenance and upgrades that are needed to continue providing our community with safe and reliable drinking water.
  • Support future bonding to complete the expansion of the Nelson-Flanders water treatment plant and the replacement of Longmont’s remaining 80-to-100-year-old cast iron pipes.


Longmont will also see adjustments to the residential electric rates, commercial electric rates and wastewater rates that were previously approved in 2023 or earlier, allowing Longmont to:


  • Maintain and upgrade the City’s wastewater treatment facilities to meet the needs of a growing community
  • Comply with increasingly stringent state and federal requirements on wastewater treatment
  •  Help fund the continuing efforts of Longmont Power & Communications and Platte River Power Authority, our wholesale power provider, to progress toward the 100% renewable electric energy goal by 2030, as directed by the City Council.
  • Pay wholesale electric costs, adjust for inflation and otherwise cover needed maintenance, operational and improvement costs for the LPC electric grid.


The new rates will begin to take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

Solar Credits

The Longmont City Council has adopted a “value of solar” bill credit to compensate solar customers who generate more electricity than they use. This applies to customers who install new solar or expand their existing systems after Jan. 1, 2025. Customers who already have solar installed will continue to have their credits based on the retail electric rate through January 2040.
Further details can be found in the City Council ordinance. The “legacy” credit received by existing solar customers and the value of solar credit that new customers receive starting in 2025 are both shown below.
2025 Credits
Summer Non-Summer
Legacy Generation Credit 11.45¢ per kWh 10.40¢ per kWh
Value of Solar Credit 8.56¢ per kWh 8.56¢ per kWh


Rebates and Savings

Longmont prides itself on providing quality utility service to residents and businesses at a reasonable cost. The community also has a number of options available to help keep bills low, including: