
We’re in the final countdown to Longmont’s 2024 July 4 Celebration. This year’s festivities will include a concert in the park, a street party and both a drone and fireworks show. Visit LongmontColorado.gov/fireworks for everything you need to know before you go.
Roosevelt Park will be the site of this year’s Fourth of July Concert in the Park featuring performances by The Longmont Symphony Orchestra and Longmont Chorale, an annual picnic contest, and other fun activities for all ages. Picnic contest registration begins at 11 am and music performances and other special programming will run from 12:30 to 3 pm. It all ends with a bang when cannons blast along with the Symphony performing the 1812 Overture.
The Street Party will occupy 2nd Ave. between Kimbark St. and Collyer St., and Emery St. between 1st Ave. and 3rd Ave., from 5 to 10 pm. Entrance to the Street Party zone and carnival games are FREE and food and drinks will be available for purchase. Limited street and lot parking will be available throughout the surrounding areas and designated ADA accessible parking will be available on 2nd Ave. between Emery St. and Collyer St.
Local high school students with the Innovation Center of St Vrain Valley School District Drone Performance Team will put on a drone light show that will fly high above the Dicken’s Farm Nature Area* starting around 9:15 pm. The show will feature 300 lighted drones and include animations created specifically for Longmont’s July 4 celebration. NextLight, Longmont’s community owned fiber internet service is proud sponsor of the drone show.
Once again, the Skyline Kiwanis Club of Longmont Colorado is gifting the City of Longmont an awe-inspiring fireworks display. This year’s fireworks show will start around 9:30 pm and will be deployed from the Longmont Fire Training Center.* The Fireworks will be accompanied by the Longmont Symphony Orchestra, who will perform live under the Wibby Brewing pavilion at 209 Emery St. Longmont Public Media will be livestreaming both the drone and fireworks shows starting at 9:10 pm at bit.ly/longmont-july-4-2024 and on Longmont Comcast Channel 8/880.
Visit LongmontColorado.gov/fireworks for recommended viewing locations for both shows, other important event details, and information about legal and illegal fireworks.
*Both the Dickens Farm Nature Area and Longmont Fire Training Center, including the creek and trails, will be CLOSED to all viewers and vehicles. Additionally, Boston Ave between Main St. and S. Martin S., and Martin St. between Ken Pratt and 1st Ave. will be closed to thru traffic for much of the evening.