Greenways and Trails
Hours of use for Greenway Trailheads and Greenway Lands is 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset, while the Greenway Trail itself is open 24 hours, 7 days a week given there is continuous movement on the trail. Learn more about rules and regulations on public lands.
What is a Greenway?
For some residents of Longmont and those in surrounding areas, a greenway (extended trail) serves as a sanctuary–an oasis from the noise and pace of everyday life. For others, it serves as an alternative to sharing the streets with motorized vehicles.
Weaving through parks and alongside rivers, creeks, ditches, and lakes, greenways protect neighboring wildlife areas, while also providing opportunities for both environmental and recreational activities. Additionally, greenways serve as maintenance access for storm drainage functions throughout our city.
Additional Greenway and Trail Resources
- Interactive Trail Status Map
- See trail sections open across Longmont and get details on closures
- City of Longmont Bike Map
- NOTE: this map shows parks and trails open at the time of printing
List of Longmont Greenways
Facility Name |