Permanent Stormwater Control Permits - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Permanent stormwater control measures (PSCs) are long-term structures or treatment devices that prevent or reduce the pollution from stormwater prior to discharging to our natural waterways like the St. Vrain Creek. Common PSCs are Extended Detention Basins, Rain Gardens, Porous Landscape Detention, Sand Filters, Grass Buffers or Swales, and Manufactured Treatment Devices (MTDs). PSC facilities are managed through three phases, Design Construction, and Operation.


Design Phase

All new developments or re-developments that are larger than one acre require PSCs. PSCs are engineered facilities that are designed to remove pollutants from urban stormwater. PSCs must be designed to meet the design standards outlined in Title 14.26. The City has adopted the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 3 as the design standards for all PSC facilities.

Construction Phase

Construction of PSCs is monitored by the City through the Stormwater Construction Activity Permit. PSCs are inspected during construction by City staff to ensure PSCs are constructed according to the design plans. PSCs must also be certified by a professional engineer, and the certification must be submitted to the Stormwater Quality Program. Certification letter templates are available below.

Operation Phase

After construction, PSCs must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that they continue to operate. The City issues a PSC permit for all private PSCs that are constructed in the City. The permit is issued to the owner of the PSC and includes requirements that the facility is maintained, inspected at least once annually, and an annual report must be submitted to the City. The permit also requires that contact information for the PSC owner is kept up to date. The PSC Permit Application, as well as the Annual Report is provided below. Additional information including general facility descriptions, inspection report templates, and standard operation and maintenance frequencies is provided for each PSC type.