Virtual Historic Longmont Tours

Departments » Departments E-M » Museum » Historic Collections
Historic Downtown Virtual tour
Enjoy historic photographs, text, and audio recordings that virtually walk you through more than a dozen downtown locations. You’ll hear how the agricultural boom, coming of the railroad, and other factors shaped commercial and retail economy in downtown Longmont; explore the Dickens Opera House, JC Penney’s first store, and the longest continuous business in the City; and learn about the Masonic Temple fire of 1905, the evolution of many downtown buildings, and the fall in fortune of hotelier George Zweck.
Women of Longmont Virtual Tour
Discover the lives of influential women who helped make Longmont the vibrant, community-focused town it is today. Hear their stories: how they ran thriving businesses, published books, formed civic and professional groups, collected funds for social welfare causes, and raised families. After learning of the adventures of these powerful women from Longmont’s past, you’ll see some local landmarks in new ways.
Latino History Virtual Tour
In the early 1900s, Longmont’s economic growth relied largely upon agriculture, and its prosperity would not have been possible without the hard work of Spanish-speaking men, women, and children. This tour explores Longmont’s Latino neighborhoods and heritage—from schools and dances to restaurants and celebrations—and honors some of the many sacrifices, challenges and successes experienced by this remarkable community. This Latino History tour was created with the help of Layra Nicli, who narrated in both Spanish and English, Linda Arroyo-Holmstrom, Esther Blazón, Marjorie K. McIntosh, and Ron Quintana.
Visit to access these tours from your smartphone or computer and explore Longmont’s history!
This mobile website was developed in coordination with the Longmont Downtown Development Authority and Visit Longmont.
Longmont Tree Tour
Looking for more great virtual content? Check out the Longmont Tree Tour, a self-guided virtual tour of the prominent trees in Longmont created by the Parks Department.